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AD&D Acorn of Wo mai book of artifacts

DND Artifacts – DND Campaign Ideas with the Acorn of Wo Mai -A Trapped Fiend that must not get free

BOOK OF ARTIFACTS ARTIFACTS INDEX FOREWORD If you are planning to run a campaign where a powerful fiend must be prevented from achieving freedom and roaming the world, the Acorn of Wo Mai is what you need. The Acorn of Wo Mai, as the name implies, has an oriental flavor, because Wo Mai was the […]

DND Artifacts – DND Campaign Ideas with the Acorn of Wo Mai -A Trapped Fiend that must not get free Read More »


THE SETTLEMENT’s SECUNDARY STATS Previous article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 2- Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Primary Stats Here we define secundary stats and what is their purpose. As we said, secundary stats will be affected by primary stats and tier of the settlement. We need to explain three main secundary stats:Offense, Defense and Population

DWARVES & MINING #5 part 3 – D&D MINING GUIDE Read More »


BACK TO DWARVES & MINING INDEX Forewords Dwarves and mining go hand in hand like bread and butter. What if a group of brave and cunning dwarves decide to forge their own destiny in the mountain by doing what they love most? That is, mining metals and gems. Wizards build laboratories, establish arcane academies, erect

DWARVES & MINING #1 – D&D MINING GUIDE Introduction Read More »

DND 5e – ADVENTURE IDEAS #5 – Session One and Adventure Diagrams

SESSION ONE AND MORE DETAILS Previous Article…Campaign Chronicles #4 – Session Zero and Player Characters Here goes another article about our ongoing campaign. I spent some time preparing stuff to run the game. It’s nothing special, but they’ll work as guidelines so I don’t have to waste time during the game trying to elucubrate what

DND 5e – ADVENTURE IDEAS #5 – Session One and Adventure Diagrams Read More »

DND 5e – ADVENTURE IDEAS #4 – Session Zero, Character Creation and Advising the Players

SESSION ZERO AND PLAYER CHARACTERS Previous Article…Campaign Chronicles #3 – Sketching the Setting In the previous article we presented the setting, or at least the sketch of one. The first game session lasted 3 hour and was played wednesday 5th of April. Now it’s time to talk briefly about the player characters. Forewords We said

DND 5e – ADVENTURE IDEAS #4 – Session Zero, Character Creation and Advising the Players Read More »

DND 5e – ADVENTURE IDEAS #3 -Creation of a mini campaign setting for short adventures

SKETCHING THE SETTING Previous Article…Campaign Chronicles #2 – Creating the Villain and more details In this article we set up the basic setting where the adventure will take place. We’ll use the bottom-top method. The bottom-top states that we develop the world according to the ongoing campaign. However we need to sketch what sorrounds the

DND 5e – ADVENTURE IDEAS #3 -Creation of a mini campaign setting for short adventures Read More »