Nuth – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Nuth (Intermediate God)

Nuth is both wife and sister to Geb, the earth god. The two are deeply in love and will never act in a manner that is harmful to the other. Because Ra had forbidden Nuth and Geb to have children, she was forced to resort to trickery to bear her five young.

Since Ra had decreed that Nuth could not give birth on any day of any month of any year, she went to Thoth for help. Thoth managed to capture some of the moon’s light and used it to create five new days (outside of Ra’s domain). On each of these days, Nuth gave birth to a new god.

In her true form, Nuth appears as a tall, slender woman whose body is the black of the night sky. She sparkles with starlight and is enchanting to behold. Omens from Nuth always take the form of patterns in the stars.

Roleplaying Tips

Nuth is as devoted to her husband Geb as he is to her. They are kept apart by Shu and the order of Ra that forbids them from having any more children. Nuth is very sensitive to the concerns of those who are forbidden to marry the one they love and will often send her avatar to help out such couples.


  • Alignment. Neutral Good.
  • Worshippers Alignment. Any alignment.
  • Spheres of Influence. Marriage, Magic, Motherhood.
  • Holy Symbol. Sky, Couple forbidden to marry.

Clerics of Nuth

Priests of Nuth are always female. Although they are permitted to love and expected to be true to their mates, they are forbidden to marry. Marriage services presided over by priests of Nuth are considered a sure sign of conjugal bliss. They must have both a score of wisdom and intelligence of 14 or more.

Alignment Restriction. Neutral Good, Chaotic Good.

Weapons Allowed. Dagger, Quarterstaff.

Armors Allowed. Any armor.

Divine Domains. Knowledge, Life, Peace, Tempest, Trickery, Twilight.


  • Level 1. Darkness (spell, no concentration required).
  • Level 5. See in darkness, both natural and magical.