From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database

Amorphous. The blue ooze has no determinate shape. When in a vacuum it assumes a spheroidal shape, but it can squeeze to slip through fissures as thin as one millimeter.

Immunity to Cold. The blue ooze suffers no damage from cold or extreme cold effects. However, at extremely low temperature that would normally freeze methane and in absence of radiations, the creature assumes a crystal solid state and enters a state of hibernation. If the blue ooze is shattered while in this state, one of the fragments regresses to a sort of embryonic state and reforms in a matter of hours.

Vulnerable to Fire. The blue ooze suffers full damage from fire sources and dies in a small luminous blue burst.


The blue ooze is attracted by the radiations emitted by ship generators, force fields, or defensive shields, together with some technological devices that work with and emit radiations. When a source of radiation is detected, the blue oozes swarm toward the source and start feeding. If they clash against a force field or a defensive shield they are immediately destroyed. However, if they manage to slip inside the vessel, they will try to reach the engines. Blue oozes have no tactical ability at all, but when they perceive a source of food they ravenously swarm toward it. If the blue ooze infestation goes unnoticed, it may cause damage to carbon based components like graphene superconductors, carbon nanotubes and the like, which
could in the long term, jeopardize the safety of the ship. Once they increase in number, and the basic source of food becomes scarcer, they will go for the crew. The blue ooze attack flesh and freeze the tissues by absorbing the heat and then proceeds to feed on the frozen part of the body. In many occasions, crew
attacked by this organism, have felt a sort of puncture in some part of their body, but the cold generated by the attack prevented them from realizing what was going due to the reduced pain the cold caused.


The blue ooze is an amorphous multicellar creature, blue or light blue in color. The size varies from that of a fist, but can grow to measure one foot in diameter. When encountered in a vacuum, they have a dense consistency and remain stuck to their asteroid. When encountered inside ships or other warmer and atmosphere dense environment, their density change to that of lubricants, while maintaining the integrity of their physical structure.


The blue ooze is a primitive life form encountered for the first time within the asteroids of a brown dwarf belt. Since the discovery, the blue ooze has spread across the systems, carried by mining ships from dock to dock. In vacuum, they thrive on the surface of rocky asteroids, forming clusters on the face irradiated by the star. The stars where they can survive are brown dwarfs primarily, but since they spread across the systems, they seem to have adapted to live in red dwarf systems, proving to be resistant to the frequent solar flares of these type of stars. The high frequency radiation of yellow and blue stars seems to be lethal, and no specimen has ever been found or survived under these conditions.


The blue ooze is a methane-based organism, which feeds on carbon compounds and uses radiations to activate its metabolic processes. Carbon-based life forms represent an unprecedented food source for these creatures, which usually struggle to find some in their natural environment. They reproduce by scission, with a frequency of several weeks, sometimes months. However, when infesting a ship environment with higher temperatures and more nutrients, they are able to split once every few days.
A blue ooze that feeds on few pounds of carbon compound will split after few minutes generating two identical blue oozes. A standard space suit protects from the blue oozes, which is not able to enter in
contact with the skin, the only exceptions are those suit made of carbon fibers and the like, which are quickly consumed by the blue ooze metabolism. A single blue ooze can consume this type of armors at the rate of one point of armor class per turn. Xenobiologist have found many uses for this creature, the main one is to quickly produce methane by feeding the blue oozes organic wastes. Xenogenetists thinks that, by making small modifications to the biochemical processes, they can tune the blue ooze and have it produce other hydrocarbons other than methane.