Earth Spirit – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Earth Spirit (Intermediate God)

Earth is known by several names: Earth Mother, Nokomis. and the Grandmother. She is the beginning and end of all life, for all mortal beings spring from her bosom upon birth and return to it upon death.

She feeds all animals, men, and plants, and is the provider of the Water of Life.

Earth derives her power from the Great Spirit, who has bestowed upon her the ability and duty to nurture life. However, she is free to use this power as she pleases and does not answer to him in any subservient sense.

She can create up to a 100 square miles of land or ten million gallons of water at will an without tiring. Further, she can accelerate, decelerate, or control the growth of any plant , or cause earthquakes of such magnitude that everything within the affected area.

Earth is usually visible in her true form to all mortals, though few realize what they are looking at. She abides in the ground upon which they stand, the soil which they till, and the rocks upon which they sit. Those who know what to look for sense her as a warm presence in all that surrounds them.

Ropleplaying Tips

Earth is a patient and careful deity.

She is the most likely of higher Indian deities to answer the individual supplications of her worshipers.

As a rule, her base chance to respond in any given case is increased by 1 % for each level of the beseecher, and by 5% if the beseecher is a priest of her order.

Earth prefers to guide her worshipers through a wide range of omens. Almost anything can serve as a sign of her pleasure or displeasure: a white eagle, a black wolf, a burning tree .

Often, the meaning of such portents is unclear, and the recipient must enter a deep trance to clarify its meaning. However, when she finds it necessary to discipline a transgressor, Earth’s punishments are severe and unmistakable .

In cases of tribal offenses, she often sends a flood or earthquake to devastate the wrongdoers. Individual offenders fare little better: being attacked by a black bear or bitten by a snake is considered an unmistakable sign of her enmity.


  • Alignment. Neutral Good.
  • Worshippers Alignment. Neutral, Neutral Good.
  • Spheres of Influence. Life, Nature, Food.
  • Holy Symbol. Stalk of Maize.

Clerics of the Earth Spirit

Earth’s clerics must meet the standard requirements for druids, except they must always be of neutral good alignment. Usually, but not always, her priests are women.

Whether male or female, however, her clerics must prove
their fruitfulness by being parents, and usually have between at least 4 children living in their lodge . Losing the ability to bear children is considered a sure sign that an individual has lost Earth’s favor, though this seldom happens to even to the oldest of her clerics.

Priestesses worshiping Earth preside over two important
ceremonies each year:

The Blessing of Spring, when life returns from the bosom of the Grandmother.

The Sacrifices of Fall, when important magic items must be buried in the fields or thrown into raging rivers so that the life will return
to the fields in the spring.

Alignment Restriction. Neutral Good.

Weapons Allowed. Club, Sickle.

Armors Allowed. Non-metal light armors.

Divine Domains. Nature, Tempest.


  • Level 4. Conjure Animals (spell, 1d6 wolves).
  • Level 8. Tree Growth. One tree per day, up to sixty feet in height, provided they have the proper seed to plant.
  • Level 12. Travel over water as if it were land.