Myconids: The Fungus Folk of the Underdark

Myconids are a fascinating race of plant-like creatures that dwell in the dark and mysterious realms of the Underdark. They are also known as fungus ones or fungus folk, and they have a unique culture and physiology that sets them apart from other beings. In this section, we will explore some of the basic aspects of myconid life, such as their appearance, personality, abilities, society, and relations with other races.

Myconids resemble giant fungi that range in size from 2 to 12 feet tall, depending on their age and role in the colony. They have limbs that split into arms and legs, with stubby fingers and toes. Their skin is spongy and varies in color from purple to gray, and their eyes are hidden on their caps. Some myconids secrete a poisonous ooze from their bodies, while others have a pale milky skin with a bright red cap and yellow eyes. These are called venom spores, and they are a mutant strain of myconid.

Myconids are peaceful and thoughtful creatures that avoid violence and seek enlightenment. They communicate with each other through spores that create a telepathic bond called the meld. The meld is the core of myconid society, as it allows them to share thoughts, emotions, memories, and dreams. Myconids have a strict schedule that divides their time between sleep, work, and melding. They also have a hierarchy that is based on their age and function in the colony. The oldest and wisest myconid is the sovereign, who leads the colony and has the strongest spores. The other myconids have different roles, such as workers, guards, circle leaders, or sprouts.

Myconids have a variety of abilities that stem from their fungal nature. They can produce different types of spores that have different effects on themselves or others. For example, they can use rapport spores to communicate telepathically with other creatures, pacifying spores to calm down hostile beings, animating spores to reanimate dead bodies as servants, or hallucination spores to create vivid illusions. Myconids can also regenerate from injuries by absorbing nutrients from the soil or organic matter. However, they also have some weaknesses, such as their vulnerability to fire and sunlight. Sunlight causes them to become sick and weak, and prolonged exposure can kill them.

Myconids live in colonies that are usually located in remote and secluded areas of the Underdark. They prefer places that are rich in organic matter and moisture, such as caves, caverns, or ruins. They cultivate fungi of various kinds for food and decoration, creating a colorful and diverse environment. Myconids are generally isolationist and distrustful of outsiders, due to their experience with the other races of the Underdark. However, they are also curious and willing to help those who approach them peacefully and respectfully. Myconids have few allies among the other races, but they sometimes trade or cooperate with svirfneblin (deep gnomes), duergar (gray dwarves), or drow (dark elves). They also have a special affinity for oozes, which they consider to be their kin.

Myconids are one of the most intriguing and mysterious races in the world of D&D. They offer a different perspective on life and reality, as well as a challenge for adventurers who encounter them. Whether they are friends or foes, myconids are sure to provide an unforgettable experience for those who dare to explore the Underdark.

Myconid Adult

Myconid Sovereign

Myconid Sprout