GIANT OWL – 5e stats

Large beast (giant animal), unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3)
Hit Points (suggested) 26 (4d10 + 4)
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft. (suggested fly 50 ft.)

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

13 (+1)15 (+2)12 (+1)8 (-1)13 (+1)10 (+0)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Giant Owl understands Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can’t speak them
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Flyby. The giant owl doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.

Keen Hearing and Sight. The giant owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.

Night Hunter (suggested). The giant owl has advantage on stealth check during nighttime, and a target has disadvantage on perception checks to spot the owl.

Swoop (suggested). If the giant owl fly from a distance of at least 60 feet, it gains advantage on each talon attack and inflict double damage.


  • Multiattack (suggested). The giant owl makes three attacks, one with its bite and two with its talons.
  • Beak (suggested). Melee Weapons Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one targer. Hit : 3 (1d4+1) piercing damage.
  • Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage.
  • Talons (suggested). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.


A giant owl is a nocturnal bird of prey that resembles a normal owl, but much larger. It has a wingspan of about 20 feet and a body length of about 10 feet. Its feathers are usually brown, gray, or white, with dark markings that help it blend in with the night sky. Its eyes are yellow or orange, and can see in the dark up to 120 feet. Its beak and talons are sharp and powerful, capable of tearing flesh and bone.

A giant owl is an intelligent creature, with a level of intellect comparable to a human child. It can understand Common, Elvish, and Sylvan languages, but cannot speak them. It can communicate with other giant owls using its own language, which consists of hoots, clicks, and screeches. A giant owl is usually neutral in alignment, but may lean toward good or evil depending on its upbringing and environment.


A giant owl prefers to hunt at night, using its keen hearing and sight to locate prey. It flies silently and swiftly, swooping down on unsuspecting victims and grabbing them with its talons. It can carry up to 300 pounds in flight, and often takes its prey to a secluded spot to eat. A giant owl can also use its beak to peck at enemies, but prefers to rely on its claws.

A giant owl is not afraid to fight if threatened or provoked, but will try to avoid unnecessary conflict. It will use its flyby ability to avoid opportunity attacks, and will retreat if outnumbered or outmatched. A giant owl may also use its intelligence and knowledge to gain an advantage in combat, such as using terrain features, environmental hazards, or allies.

A giant owl may sometimes ally itself with good creatures, such as fey, elves, or druids. It may also serve as a mount or companion for a worthy rider, such as a ranger or a paladin. A giant owl is loyal and protective of its friends, and will fight fiercely to defend them.


A giant owl lives in temperate or cold forests, hills, or mountains. It prefers high places, such as cliffs, trees, or caves. It builds a large nest of sticks and feathers, where it keeps its mate and offspring. A giant owl mates for life, and usually has one or two eggs per year. The eggs hatch after two months, and the young owls stay with their parents for another year before leaving to find their own territory.

A giant owl is solitary by nature, but may form a bond with another giant owl of the opposite sex. The pair will hunt together and share their food and nest. They will also cooperate to defend their territory from intruders or predators. A giant owl may occasionally interact with other giant owls outside its pair, but only for social or mating purposes.

A giant owl is wary of other creatures, especially humans and humanoids. It may tolerate their presence if they respect its domain and do not harm its prey or friends. It may even befriend some of them if they prove themselves to be kind and trustworthy. However, a giant owl will not hesitate to attack those who threaten or harm it or its allies.


A giant owl is an apex predator in its environment, feeding on a variety of animals such as deer, rabbits, rodents, birds, fish, and even smaller predators like wolves or bears. It has few natural enemies, except for dragons, griffons, manticores, or other large flying creatures. A giant owl may also compete with other giant owls for food or territory.

A giant owl plays an important role in the balance of nature, as it helps control the population of smaller animals and prevents them from overgrazing or spreading diseases. It also serves as a guardian of the forest, protecting it from fires, deforestation, or pollution.

A giant owl is valued by some cultures for its feathers, meat, bones, or eggs. Its feathers are used for clothing, decoration, or magic items. Its meat is considered a delicacy by some gourmets. Its bones are used for weapons, tools, or jewelry. Its eggs are sought after by collectors or alchemists.