Immortality. All gods are immortal. The only way for a god to die is to be destroyed by a god of higher statue in magicalor physical combat. Otherwise, any god that suffers an attack that should dest roy it simply disperses, then reassembles later (roll percentile dice to determine number of days).

So, for example, a god which is seemingly torn apart by a powerful artifact would simply be dispersed, only to reassemble later.

Teleport. All gods possess the innate ability to instantly teleport to any point on the same plane. They can do this at will and without any chance of error.

Initiative. When dealing with mortals, all gods automatically receive the initiative. Of course, they can choose to simply wait and see what the mortals opt to do, but they may always act first if they desire.

Comprehend Languages. All gods understand and can speak any language. It is assumed that this includes written and spoken languages as well as other, more unusual, forms of communication like the light and color based dialect of the will o’wisp.

Magic Use. All gods may use any spell of any level. This includes the spells of priests or wizards and does not requires the use of spell books, prayers, or material, verbal and somatic components. In short, invoking such powers requires the slightest act of will on the part of these incredible beings.


Greater gods can do practically anything. In most cases, they are the gods who created the rest of the pantheon. Some of their additional abilities include:

Shapeshifting. Greater gods can transform themselves into any object, animate or inanimate, of any size. In some cases, beings of this stature have been known to assume planetary proportions.

Magic Resistance. Intermediate gods are resistant to spells and spellcasting abilities.

  • Immune to mortal magic
  • 75% resistant to magic wielded by gods of lesser ranks
  • 50% resistant to magic of gods of same rank

Saving Throws. All greater gods are assumed to automatically make all saving throws required of them. This is a reflection of their great abilities, mental powers, and physical

Planar Travel. Just as they can teleport across space without error, so too can they travel between the various planes of existence at will. As mentioned earlier, however, even these powerful beings cannot enter the true Prime Material Plane.

Sensing Ability. These beings are truly omniscient. That is, they know what is happening everywhere at all times. In many cases, they can accurately predict the precise actions of
mortals and other gods based on their vast knowledge.

Creation. Greater Gods can create any object, animate or inanimate, they can think of. This process is draining, however, since they are converting their own energy stores into physical objects. Therefore, the god must rest for one turn per ton of mass he or she wishes to manifest. Thus, the creation of a 10 ton stone statue would require that the god rest for 10 turns (100 minutes) afterward.

Life and Death. Greater gods can kill any living mortal creature with but a thought. Likewise, they can bestow life upon any slain mortal being anywhere. Of course, another greater god can reverse effect immediately if so desired.

Communication. Greater gods can speak directly and secretly to any being across any void and through any physical or mystical barrier. This power transcends the bounds of space and planes, but not (as a rule) time.

Multi-tasks. Greater gods can perform any number of tasks at once. Of course, natural limitations based on their current physical form may apply, but there is never a penalty on their actions due to complexity.

Avatars. Greater gods can employ up to ten avatars at a time, moving them between planes at will. If one is destroyed, it requires one day to make another.

Granted Abilities. A greater god can grant any power or spell of any level to his or her priests. It is through this ability that deities give priests and paladins their magical powers.

American Indians

Great Spirit






Shang Ti








