Tefnut – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Tefnut (Intermediate God)

The wife and sister of Shu, Tefnut embodies the moisture of the atmosphere. Her power is seen in the wrath of a storm or in the gentle dew found on plants at sunrise. As one might guess, she is sometimes fierce and angry, and other times loving and gentle.

Villages in need of rain often call upon Tefnut to send them her life-giving gift while those in the grip of a great storm plead with her to spare them and turn her attention elsewhere. Tefnut’s true form is that of a slender, attractive woman with the head of a sleek lion. The air around her smells of rain and lightning and her voice is the deep rumble of distant thunder. Omens from Tefnut always come in the form of storms or rain.


  • Alignment. Neutral Good.
  • Worshippers Alignment. Any alignment.
  • Spheres of Influence. Storms, Rains, Running water.
  • Holy Symbol. Pyramid and sun.

Cleric of Tefnut

Tefnut expects her priests to cherish the storms that she sends to earth. As such, they are often found standing outside during fierce downpours that have caused everyone else to scurry for shelter.

Alignment Restriction. Any non evil.

Weapons Allowed. Short Sword.

Armors Allowed. Any armor.

Divine Domains. Forge, Knowledge, Light, Tempest, Trickery, Twilight.


  • Level 1. Predict Weather
  • Level 5. Call Lightning
  • Level 10. Weather Summoning
  • Level 15. Control Weather