From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database

Tentacle. The Tentacles of the depth can extend its tentacles to reach and attack a target up to 2d6 meters (roll every time the Tentacles of the depth deliver an attack). Each tentacle inflicts 1d4 constriction damage. Especially thick armors, like power armors or armor that provide an Armor Class of 15 or better, may be able to absorb a portion or all the damage inflicted.

Grab. If the tentacle successfully hits, then both the target and the Tentacles of the depth must make an opposed Exert skill check. If the Tentacles of the depth wins the opposed skill check, then the target is grabbed. A grabbed target suffers 1 point of constriction damage per round and is dragged 1d4 meters toward the Tentacles of the depth.


The tentacles of depth is a passive predator, and a patient one. Once the victim has been detected, the tentacles of the depth launches multiple attacks with all its tentacles to grab the prey and drag it to the bottom of its habitat. Once at least one target has been captured, the tentacles of the depth ceases any hostile action. The head is the most vulnerable part of its body, with an Armor Class of 8, so the creature avoids exposing it when hunting.


The Tentacles of the Depth is a cephalopoid that possesses ten tentacles attached around an egg-shaped head. Each tentacle has an average length of 6 meters, whilst the head measures from two to 3 meters. The colors vary from grey to dull grey with some specimens turning almost black with age. Each tentacle has many eye-like visual organs that allow the creature to perceive the surrounding environment to direct the tentacles during an attack, however, the visual organs have a limited sight range (Notice +1 instead of +3).


The Tentacles of the Depth prospers in a warm or hot environment, better if located in flat regions. They nest in a large mass of liquid fluids with high opacity, like mud, marshes, and swamps, where they burrow and hide a few meters below the bed. In dire circumstances they can nest in a desert environment, provided pools of moisture like oasis are present. Xenobiologists think that a wide variety of sub-species exist and that they can adapt in almost any liquid environment, including the depth of alien oceans, however, the whole matter is still the object of scientific investigation. Detection of these creatures with sonar or echolocation is very hard, and it fails most of the time due to the nature of the creature’s skin,
which is a biological compound of silicates that are easily confused with ordinary rocks and sediments.


The head of the creature contains all the main organs and it also works as a stomach, where the prey is engulfed and slowly digested. The nervous system is decentralized, located close to the junctions between the tentacles and the head, thus allowing the creature to coordinate its attacks against multiple targets. The Tentacles of the Depth can engulf a prey that is up to three times the size of its head. When the creature dies, its skin hardens and turns into pure crystallized silicon. This pure form of crystallized silicon has proven to be very useful in the manufacturing of high-efficiency semiconductors for low-tech electronic components, where other more efficient and expensive materials are not available.