Mephits: The Elemental Imps

Mephits are small, mischievous creatures that embody the fusion of two elemental planes. They are often found in places where natural forces clash, such as volcanoes, geysers, or storms. Mephits are not very powerful individually, but they can be a nuisance or a threat when they act in groups or summon more of their kind. Mephits have various abilities and traits depending on their elemental origin, such as breathing fire, spitting acid, or exploding in a burst of dust.

Air Mephit

Ash Mephit

Dust Mephit

Earth Mephit

Fire Mephit

Ice Mephit

Lightning Mephit

Magma Mephit

Mineral Mephit

Mist Mephit

Mud Mephit

Ooze Mephit

Radiance Mephit

Salt Mephit

Smoke Mephit

Steam Mephit

Thunder Mephit

Water Mephit

Mephits are small, winged humanoids that serve as messengers and agents for powerful planar beings. They are created from the fusion of two elemental planes, and they have various abilities and traits related to their origin. Mephits are usually evil and enjoy causing mischief, trouble, or pain to others. They also have a high opinion of themselves and their importance, often using long and pompous names.

There are 16 known types of mephits, each corresponding to a different combination of elemental planes. The Elemental Planes provide fire, water, air, and earth mephits. The Paraelemental Planes provide magma, ice, ooze, and dust mephits. The Quasielemental Planes provide radiance, ash, mineral, salt, lightning, steam, and mist mephits. The only exception is the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum, which does not support any life form.

Mephits have exaggerated facial features, such as hooked noses, pointed ears, wide eyes, and protruding chins. Their skin constantly emits the substance of their home plane, such as fire, lava, smoke, or steam. Mephits do not need food or drink to survive, but they can regenerate their wounds by being in contact with their element or a similar environment. However, this does not prevent them from dying if they reach zero hit points.

Mephits are often employed by evil powers on the Lower Planes to perform various tasks, such as delivering messages, retrieving items or persons, or spreading mayhem. Mephits are loyal to their creators, but they also annoy them with their arrogance and insolence. Mephits have a complex etiquette among themselves and with other planar creatures. They use different types of mephits as signals or gifts to convey messages or intentions. For example, a fire mephit indicates displeasure, an ice mephit forbids entry, and a radiant mephit offers a truce.

Mephits are notorious for their love of tormenting helpless creatures and bragging about their evil deeds. They also enjoy smoking foul-smelling substances and playing games with each other or with their victims. Mephits are not very powerful individually, but they can be dangerous when they act in groups or summon more of their kind. Mephits are always looking for opportunities to prove themselves and to cause trouble for others.