Telepathic Devotion

Power Check DC 11 Charisma check
Initial Cost Contact or more (see description)
Maintenance Cost n/a
Range Unlimited
Preparation Time 1 action
Area of Effect 1 creature
Prerequisites Ejection, Mindlink or Probe

The psionicist implants in the target’s subconscious what action to accomplish when a specific event will manifest.

The event will trigger the action implanted in the target’s subconscious, but the target can attempt an Intelligence saving throw with a DC equal to the psionicst’s Power Check roll to resist the post-hypnotic suggestion.

If the action implanted goes against the target’s superego – alignment, moral principles, ethical, religious or cultural values – then the target can make the saving throw with advantage, at Game Master’s discretion.

Beasts, Celestials, Constructs, Elementals, Fiends, Oozes, Plants and Undead are immune to this psionic power.

The Initial Cost is contact plus the following instances:

  • Target’s proficiency modifier
  • Target’s Charisma modofier
  • Any modifier the target has against mind-affecting effects

Natural 1.

Natural 20.