Brahman – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Brahman (Intermediate God)

Brahman is also known as Hiranyagarbha, Prajapali (both used in the early Vedic Age), and many other names. Here, Hiranyagarbha and Prajapati are used interchangeably. Brahman is the world spirit that enfolds all of existence and the divine essence that is hidden in all beings, and of which all beings are a part.

Everything that exists – the gods, men, animals, plants, even rocks – is simply a manifestation
of the Brahman. According to legend, in the beginning there were only the waters. From the waters was formed a golden egg (Hiranyagarbha).

Prajapati was hatched from the egg, speaking the sounds “bhur,” “bhuvah,” and “svark,” thereby forming the earth, the air, and the sky. Brahman has every power that any god or mortal in the Indian mythos possesses, for all things are a part of him. In his true form, Brahman has a face on each side of his head. There is also a vacant spot on the top of his head where a fifth face was burned off by the gaze of the god Siva.

Roleplaying Tips

Though he sees and hears all, Brahman is an aloof god and will involve himself in the affairs of men only when existence itself is threatened.


  • Alignment. Neutral.
  • Worshippers Alignment. Any.
  • Spheres of Influence. Everything.
  • Holy Symbol. Four-faced head.

Clerics of Brahman

Brahman has no priests in the normal sense, for he is usually worshiped through one of his manifestations as another god. However, all ascetics seeking true spiritual enlightenment may be considered priests of Brahman, so anybody wishing to worship him directly must become an ascetic.