Previous article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 2- Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Primary Stats

Here we define secundary stats and what is their purpose. As we said, secundary stats will be affected by primary stats and tier of the settlement.

We need to explain three main secundary stats:
Offense, Defense and Population plus some derivates like Offense Score and Defense Score.


Offense measures the strength of a hostile action or event against a target. Offence contributes to determine the offense score.
Offense depends on the settlement tier, the higher the tier the better the offense.

Offense it’s not employed to perform hostile actions only, it’s a measure of how capable is a settlement to accomplish a task.

For example, it the settlement wants to accomplish a technology enhancement, then the offense bonus is added to the roll together with the technology modifier – and other modifier as well – to overcome an established difficulty class (DC).


Offense score is the final bonus to add to the d20 roll. It’s calculated by adding Offense + Primary stats modifier + other modifiers.


Defense measures the strength of the settlement to withstand a hostile action or event. Defense contributes to determine the defense score.
Defense depends on the settlement tier, the higher the tier the better the defense.

Defense is employed everytime the settlement is targeted by a hostile action or event.


Defense score is the final bonus to add to the d20 roll. It’s calculated by adding Defense + Primary stats modifier + other modifiers.


Whenever a settlement performs a hostile agains a target, offense comes into play.

Whenever a settlement suffers from a hostile action or event, defense comes into play.

Whatever the nature of the offense is, defense adapts to fend off the offense.

For example, a culture offense action will meet a culture defense action.

Calculating the offense score

1d20 + Offense + Primary stats modifier + misc. modifiers.

Offense depends on the tier of a settlement
Primary stat modifier depends on the nature of the action (military, flexibility, resistance, technology, culture, influence)
Misc. modifier depends on traits, buildings, equipment, infrastructures or anything else.

Calculating the defense score

1d20 + Defense + Primary stat modifier + misc. modifier

Defense depends on the tier of the settlement.
Primary stat modifier depends on the nature of the offense
Misc. modifier dependes on traits, building, equipment, infrastructures or anything else.


A tier I settlement decides to lead a Raid action against a near target. Raid is an action related to military or flexibility primary stat. The settlement decides to lead the raid as a flexibility action.

a) Our settlement has 14 in flexibility and thus a +2 primary stat modifier.
b) Being a tier I settlement grants +1 offense.
c) The settlement possesses the trait planner that grants +1 flexibility rolls to raid.

Offense score equals
1d20 (random roll)
+1 (tier I settlement)
+2 (flexibility modifier)
+1 (trait modifier)

On the other side we have the defending settlement. It has to defend against the enemy raid and is forced to employ a flexiblity roll. Let’s imagine the attacker aims to infiltrate their defenses and catch them by surprise.

a) The defender has 10 in flexibility and thus 0 primary stat modifier.
b) The defender is a tier 0 settlement, thus having a defense of 5.
c) The defender possesses the trait militaristic that imposes a -1 to any flexibility rolls.

Defense score equals
1d20 (random roll)
+5 (tier 0 settlement)
+0 (flexibility modifier)
-1 (trait modifier)

Both settlements roll their dice, and the higher score wins!

What about the effect of a win or a loss?

As we said, the instance we call effect is the result of an action or event. However we have not described actions events and their effects in detail, we just described whan an action does, in general terms, and we still need to list and describe events.

We still need to define Population, we’ll do it later, when actions, events and their respective effects will be described.

Don’t forget we are sketching!

Next article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 4 – Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Experience and Tier