Telepathic Devotion

Power Check DC 11 Charisma check
Initial Cost Contact
Maintenance Cost 5 PSPs / round
Range Contact
Preparation Time 1 action
Area of Effect 1 creature
Prerequisites Mindlink

The psionicist create in the target the convinction that any attack against it may kill it or at best inflicts serious damages.

Anytime the target takes damage, that damage is multiplied by 2 or more, however the extra damage inflicted is removed at the beginning of the target’s turn.

If the target drops to zero hit points before the beginning of its next turn, then the target falls unconscious for one round.

The Maintenance Cost depends on how much the damage inflicted to the target is multiplied, as described below:

  • Damage x2. Maintenance Cost 5 PSPs / round.
  • Damage x3. Maintenance Cost 10 PSPs / round.
  • Damage x4. Maintenance Cost 20 PSPs / round.
  • Damage x5. Maintenance Cost 40 PSPs / round.

The target can make a Wisdom saving throw for each attack received to avoid the extra damage inflicted in that round.

If the target is taking damage from a damage source it has immunity against, then the immunity prevents the psionic power from multiplying the damage inflicted to the target.

Natural 1.

Natural 20.