Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 28 (8d8 – 8)
Speed 0 ft., swim 40 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +4 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

13 (+1)16 (+3)9 (-1)1 (-5)7 (-2)2 (-4)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Blood Frenzy. The swarm has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny quipper. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.

Water Breathing. The swarm can breathe only underwater.


  • Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.


A swarm of quippers is a group of tiny, carnivorous fish that resemble piranhas. They have razor-sharp teeth, red eyes, and scaly bodies that range from dark green to brown in color. Quippers are aggressive and voracious predators that hunt in large numbers, attacking anything that bleeds or moves in the water. They are often found in freshwater rivers, lakes, and swamps, but some can also adapt to saltwater environments.


A swarm of quippers is a dangerous foe for any creature that ventures into their territory. They can sense blood and movement in the water, and will swarm around their prey, biting and tearing with their teeth. The swarm has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points, as they are driven into a frenzy by the sight and smell of blood. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a tiny quipper. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points, as they are constantly losing members to their own hunger or to their enemies. The swarm can breathe only underwater, and will avoid fire and other sources of heat.


Quippers are not intelligent creatures, and have no social structure or culture. They act on instinct, following the strongest or largest member of the swarm, or the one that finds food first. They have no loyalty or empathy for each other, and will cannibalize their own kind if food is scarce or if they are injured. Quippers are territorial, and will defend their hunting grounds from other predators or intruders. They have no natural allies or enemies, except for those that compete with them for food or threaten their survival.


Quippers are an important part of the aquatic ecosystem, as they help control the population of other fish and aquatic creatures. They also provide food for larger predators, such as crocodiles, sharks, or giant snakes. Quippers reproduce quickly, laying hundreds of eggs in hidden nests among rocks or plants. The eggs hatch within a few days, and the young quippers join the nearest swarm they can find. Quippers have a short lifespan, rarely living longer than a year. They are adaptable to different environments, and can survive in fresh or salt water, warm or cold climates, and clear or murky waters.