FIRE MEPHIT – 5e stats

Small elemental (mephit), neutral evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6)
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +3 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

13 (+1)15 (+2)12 (+1)6 (–2)11 (+0)14 (+2)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +4
Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Ignan
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Death Burst. When the mephit dies, it explodes in a burst of flame. Each creature within 5 feet of the mephit must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (1d10) fire damage.

Fire Aura. The mephit radiates fire from its body. At the start of each of the mephit’s turns, each creature within 5 feet of it takes 2 (1d4) fire damage, and flammable objects in the aura that aren’t being worn or carried ignite. A creature that touches the mephit or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 2 (1d2) fire damage.

Innate Spellcasting (1/day). The mephit’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast heat metal, requiring no material components.

Regeneration. The fire mephit regains 1 hit point at the start of its turn.


  • Multiattack. The fire mephit makes two attacks with its claws.
  • ClawsMelee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.
  • Fire Breath (recharge 6). The mephit exhales fire in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

5th Edition Advanced Mode
Limiting the power of a character and making the overall difficulty of the game harder, does not reduce the creativity, indeed it does quite the opposite.
The Game Master has the option to use any and all of the instances proposed in this guide, or just some of them according to their preference.

It is the lack of something that move and motivate characters, not the abundance of it


A Fire Mephit is a small, impish creature that originates from the Elemental Plane of Fire. It has a red body streaked with black, and is surrounded by flames that cover its wings and halo. It has a mischievous and proud personality, and considers itself superior to non-fire-based creatures. It can speak Common, Primordial, and Ignan languages.

The most mischievous of all mephits, these fiends play terrible pranks on other mephits, such as pushing magma mephits into water and watching them harden. Fire mephits are small, wiry humanoids with bright red skin and bat-wings. Some fire mephits affect a mustache, goatee, and tiny horns on their forehead, but these are always faked.


A Fire Mephit attacks with its claws, which also burn foes with fire damage. It can also exhale a cone of fire at close range, or cast heat metal as an innate spell once per day. Its innate spellcasting ability is based on its Charisma.

When a Fire Mephit dies, it explodes in a burst of flame, damaging nearby creatures unless they succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. It also has the ability to summon other mephits of various types, such as steam, smoke, or magma mephits, by using a gate spell.

A Fire Mephit is immune to fire damage, and regenerates quickly unless it is harmed by cold or psychic damage. It can also see in the dark, and fly with its wings.


A Fire Mephit usually lives in the Elemental Plane of Fire, or in places where fire is abundant or uncontrolled, such as volcanoes or forest fires. It enjoys torturing and playing pranks on creatures that are not fire-based, and sometimes serves as a light source or a forge heater for humanoids who can tolerate its antics.

A Fire Mephit is often solitary or found in small groups with other mephits of similar or different types. It rarely forms alliances with other creatures, unless it can benefit from them or dominate them. It is loyal to its home plane and its elemental lord, but otherwise has no sense of morality or honor.


A Fire Mephit is a manifestation of the elemental force of fire, and has no natural role in the ecology of other planes. It consumes anything that can burn, and creates more fire wherever it goes. It has no need for reproduction, as new mephits are constantly spawned from the Elemental Plane of Fire. It has few natural enemies, except those who oppose or fear fire.

Fire Mephit is employed as material component to empower the following spells: