From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database

Amphibious. The mud stalker can breathe and metabolize both liquid and gaseous fluids of its home environment amd can breathe air and water with equal facility.

Electricity Field. Once per turn the mud stalker releases an electrostatic discharge in 10-foot radius as a full round action. The discharge inflicts 1d4 points of electric damage. The target must make a Con/Physical saving throw or have its movement halved for 1d4 turns.

Psionic (molecular agitation). The mud stalker can condense moisture and blend it with soft soil. The soil in a radius of 10 feet turns into mud. The depth of the mud depends on the moisture density of the atmosphere, varying from 1 to 3 meters. Resistance to Cold. The mud stalker inhabits cold environments. It suffers omly half damage from cold sources.


The mud stalker is a sneaky and intelligent predator that relies on passive hunting techniques. The first hunting technique is to wait submerged in a mud pool or large swampy areas and wait for potential prey to get close enough to discharge its electrostatic attack. Once the prey has been slowed down, the mud
stalker will attack with its bite. The mud stalker employs its psionic power when hunting close to the shore of the swamp, to surprise its prey and make it sink into a pool of quicksand.


The mud stalker has a flattened ovoid central body, which measure from one to three meters, depending on the specimen age. A set of one-centimeter thin tentacles extend from the central body, with a length that vary from one to twenty meters. The skin of the mud stalker is slimy and moist to the contact, and its color adapts to that of the terrain to increase the camouflage.


The mud stalker dwells in swampy areas of cold planets with dense atmosphere. The gaseous fluids in the atmosphere should be able to turn into liquid even at temperature below the standard, with ammonia being a good candidate together with other nitrogen basic compounds. The mud stalker spends most of its time submerged in the mud, a few centimeters below the surface, and emerges only when some prey is at hand.


The biology of the mud stalker is considered by many xenobiologists as highly evolved compared to the standard of a non-sentient alien life. The tentacles contains the remnants of a bony structures, now atrophied, this clue fact led xenobiologists to hypnotize that the mud stalker was a surface dwelling creature who has now adapted to become an amphibious life form due to huge environmental changes that occurred on its home planet. What puzzles xenobiologists the most is the psionic ability of the mud stalker to modify atmospheric density at a molecular level to have the soil interact with moisture to create mud. A primitive life form with such kind of psionic power is a rare one indeed, and the researchers are wondering if this ability could apply to other compounds. Mud stalkers have no sex corresponding to any known standard, they reproduces by releasing one of the tentacles which then enters a sort of hibernation
cycle where a new central body form in few weeks.