GREEN HAG – 5e stats

Medium fey (hag), neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 82 (11d8+33)
Speed 30 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

18 (+4)12 (+1)16 (+3)13 (+1)14 (+2)14 (+2)

Saving Throws (suggested) Str +6, Con +5
Skills Arcana +3, Deception +4, Perception +4, Stealth +3
Senses Darkvision 60 ft. (suggested 90 ft.), passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Amphibious. The green hag can breathe air and water.

Camouflage (suggested). The green hag has advantage on all stealth checks when in terrains like swamp, swamp forests, bogs and marshes.

Innate Spellcasting. The green hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

Innate Spellcasting (suggested). The green hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

Mimicry. The green hag can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check.

Superior Senses (suggested). The green hag has advantage on all percpetion checks.


  • Multiattack (suggested). The green hag makes two attacks with its claws.
  • Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
  • Illusory Appearance. The hag covers herself and anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look like another creature of her general size and humanoid shape. The illusion ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies. The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, the hag could appear to have smooth skin, but someone touching her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the hag is disguised.
  • Invisible Passage. The hag magically turns invisible until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). While invisible, she leaves no physical evidence of her passage, so she can be tracked only by magic. Any equipment she wears or carries is invisible with her.

5th Edition Advanced Mode
Limiting the power of a character and making the overall difficulty of the game harder, does not reduce the creativity, indeed it does quite the opposite.
The Game Master has the option to use any and all of the instances proposed in this guide, or just some of them according to their preference.

It is the lack of something that move and motivate characters, not the abundance of it


A green hag is a vile creature that resembles a withered and hunched old woman. Her skin is a sickly green color, rough and covered in warts and growths. Her hair is a tangled mess of vines and leaves, and her eyes are a piercing yellow. Her mouth is full of sharp teeth, and her claws are long and jagged. She wears ragged clothes and carries a sack of stolen items.

A green hag is a master of illusion and deception. She can change her appearance to look like any humanoid of similar size, and she can turn invisible at will. She uses these abilities to lure unsuspecting victims into her traps, where she torments them with her wicked magic and cruel humor. She delights in causing pain and suffering, especially to children and the innocent.

A green hag is also a cunning schemer and manipulator. She often forms alliances with other evil creatures, such as ogres, trolls, orcs, or even other hags. She can also influence the minds of weak-willed humanoids, making them do her bidding or turning them against each other. She enjoys spreading lies, rumors, and discord among communities, sowing seeds of distrust and fear.


A green hag prefers to avoid direct confrontation, unless she has the advantage of surprise or numbers. She uses her innate spellcasting to harass and confuse her enemies, casting spells such as dancing lights, minor illusion, and vicious mockery. She also uses her mimicry to imitate voices and sounds, luring her foes into traps or ambushes.

If forced into melee combat, a green hag fights with her claws, which can inflict deep wounds. She also relies on her illusory appearance to disguise herself as a friend or ally of her enemies, hoping to catch them off guard or sow confusion among their ranks. She can also use her invisible passage to escape or reposition herself during a fight.

A green hag is not afraid to retreat if the battle turns against her, using her invisibility or disguise to flee. She may also try to bargain or plead for mercy, only to betray or attack her enemies once they lower their guard. A green hag never fights fair, and will use any trick or tactic to gain the upper hand.


A green hag usually lives in a secluded hut or cave in a swamp, forest, or hill. She surrounds her lair with traps, illusions, and signs of decay and corruption. She collects various items from her victims or travels, such as bones, skulls, jewelry, books, or magic items. She may also keep pets or servants, such as rats, crows, snakes, or charmed humanoids.

A green hag is a solitary creature, but she may occasionally join forces with other hags to form a coven. A coven of hags shares a common goal or interest, such as revenge, power, or knowledge. A coven of hags also gains access to more powerful spells and abilities, making them even more dangerous foes.

A green hag is always looking for ways to increase her influence and wealth. She may seek out ancient secrets, hidden treasures, or rare artifacts. She may also plot against her enemies or rivals, such as other hags, fey creatures, or adventurers. A green hag is always scheming and plotting, never satisfied with what she has.


A green hag is a fey creature that originates from the Feywild, a plane of magic and wonder. However, she has been corrupted by evil and twisted by malice. She despises the beauty and harmony of the natural world, and seeks to destroy it or pervert it to her own ends.

A green hag feeds on the fear and pain of living creatures. She enjoys torturing her victims before killing them, sometimes eating their flesh or using their body parts for her dark rituals. She may also capture children and turn them into new hags by feeding them foul concoctions or exposing them to dark magic.

A green hag has few natural predators or enemies, as most creatures avoid her territory or fear her power. However, she may face opposition from good-aligned fey creatures, such as dryads, pixies, or unicorns. She may also encounter adventurers who seek to stop her evil deeds or claim her treasures.

Green Hag is employed as material component to empower the following spells: