Grungs: The Frog People of Chult

Grungs are a race of frog-like humanoids that live in the jungles of Chult, a mysterious and dangerous continent in the world of D&D. They are a highly organized and hierarchical society, divided into six castes based on their skin color. Each caste has a specific role and function in the grung community, and they rarely interact with each other except for matters of necessity or ritual. Grungs build their homes in the treetops, using natural materials such as wood, vines, and mud to create elaborate and sturdy structures. Each treehouse is inhabited by a single caste of grungs, and they are connected by bridges and ladders to form a network of aerial villages. Grungs are fiercely territorial and xenophobic, often attacking or enslaving any outsiders who trespass on their lands. They worship a frog god named Nangnang, who grants them special abilities and favors. The following are the six castes of grungs and their characteristics:

Grung Warrior (Green): The lowest and most numerous caste, green grungs are the workers and warriors of the grung society. They perform manual labor, hunt for food, and fight in wars. They have green skin and wear simple clothing made from leaves and animal skins.

Grung Expert (Blue): The second-lowest caste, blue grungs are the artisans and crafters of the grung society. They make weapons, tools, clothing, and ornaments for the other castes. They have blue skin and wear more elaborate clothing decorated with beads, feathers, and shells.

Grung Trader (Purple): The middle caste, purple grungs are the traders and diplomats of the grung society. They deal with other races and factions, often as slavers or smugglers. They have purple skin and wear fine clothing made from silk, cotton, and leather.

Grung Warlock (Red): The second-highest caste, red grungs are the priests and scholars of the grung society. They worship Nangnang and study magic, history, and lore. They have red skin and wear robes adorned with symbols and jewels.

Grung Elite Warrior (Orange): The highest caste, orange grungs are the rulers and nobles of the grung society. They have absolute authority over the other castes and live in luxury and splendor. They have orange skin and wear crowns, capes, and rings made from gold, silver, and gemstones.

Grung Shaman (Gold): A rare and special caste, gold grungs are the chosen ones of Nangnang. They have divine powers and can change their skin color at will. They are revered as prophets and heroes by the other grungs. They have gold skin and wear no clothing except for a holy symbol of Nangnang around their necks.

Grung Wilding: An uncommon and rebellious caste, grung wildings are the outcasts and renegades of the grung society. They reject the rigid hierarchy and oppressive rules of their kin, and seek freedom and adventure in the wider world. They have multicolored skin that changes with their mood and environment. They are often curious and friendly towards other races, sometimes becoming playable characters for adventurers who want to explore the jungles of Chult.