Rudra – Indian Avatar for D&D 5e

Rudra, Indian Avatar

Medium Humanoid; Rogue 15; Bard 10; Proficiency bonus +9

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 180
Speed 75 ft.

18 (+4)19 (+4)18 (+4)18 (+4)16 (+3)16 (+3)

Lord of the Plagues. Any being touching the avatar must roll a DC 21 constitution saving throw or contract a rotting disease that permanently reduces the victim’s Charisma and Constitution by 1d4 points per round. A cure disease will halt the disease, but will not restore lost Charisma or Constitution points.

Spells. He can call upon the alteration or illusion schools of magic for his spells.


  • Long Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit; one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4).
  • Bow of Plague. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit; one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4). Rudra’s bow cause the same disease effect of his touch, see Lord of the Plagues.


Rudra’s avatar takes the form of a pariah with a terrible skin disease.

God & Clergy (go to page)