From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database

Infestation. The ear seeker starts producing micro-filaments that extend all over the brain, to create a direct connection with the host’s main synaptic functions. This step usually takes one week, and it is still possible to intervene with advanced surgery to remove the parasite. However, once the ear seeker has completely merged with the host employing its filaments, there is no way back. The host will start losing 1 point of intelligence, while the ear seeker will gain one. This process partially transmits the host’s personality to the ear seeker, so that the parasite can emulate the target behavior and manner and go unnoticed as long as possible. The passage of personality is not perfect of course, so flaws and strange
behaviors will emerge at some point. For one month, the host is controlled by the ear seeker, which is already lying eggs in the non-primary nervous system. After one month the eggs hatch and 2d12 new ear seekers find their way out of the host. This last step kills both the host and the parasite.


Ear seeker employs simple tactics or no tactics at all. Its main purpose is to find a host as soon as possible by acting as a passive predator. Once inside a host, it gains a higher intelligence, but its goal does not change. During the period of transition, while the ear seeker is still transferring the host’s intelligence, psychotic behavior or episode of schizophrenia are common symptoms.


Ear seekers are bugs the size of an inch that can be exchanged for a common cockroach or any other similar insect. They are called ear seekers because they usually employ the ears as a means to reach the central nervous system, but they can pass through any other orifice if required. Different specimens exist, some with legs, other with a worm-like body. Their color varies from light brown, brown, or dark brown, or
any tone that allows them to blend with the color of the environment.


Ear seekers may evolve on any planet without an extreme environment, which has produced semi-intelligent beings at least. They are usually found in small nests a few centimeters below the ground…or the central nervous system of their host.


Ear seeker is a parasite that requires the brain of a semi-intelligent or intelligent being to thrive and reproduce. When found outside a host, it is usually in a dormant state, waiting for a target. Ear seekers can endure months without a host. Once an ear seeker reaches the brain or the central nervous system, it starts the infestation process.