Ho Masubi – Japanese Avatar for D&D 5e

Ho Masubi, Japanese Avatar

Large Humanoid; Fighter 16; Proficiency bonus +5

Armor Class 22
Hit Points 224
Speed 90 ft.

19 (+4)18 (+4)18 (+4)18 (+4)19 (+4)18 (+4)


  • Multiattack. Inari’savatar makes three attacks with his Sword of Fire +3.
  • Sword of Fire +3. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit; one target. Hit: 15 (1d10 +10). The avatar’s sword is made of fire and does 2d10 extra points of fire damage when it hits. When someone is hit, their armor must roll a DC 20 against magical fire or be destroyed. Any being touching the avatar with bare hands suffers 2d10 fire damage.


Ho Masubi’s avatar is a large man with red hair and yellow and orange skin. He is often found riding a huge boar.

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