DEER – 5e stats

Medium beast (animal), unaligned

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Speed 50 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

11 (+0)16 (+3)11 (+0)2 (-4)14 (+2)5 (-3)

Senses passive Perception 12
Challenge 0 (10 XP)


  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4) piercing damage.


Deer are graceful and timid herbivorous animals that live in forests, grasslands, and other natural environments. They have slender bodies, long legs, and antlers on the males. They are usually brown or tan in color, with white spots or stripes on their coats. Deer are very alert and wary of predators, and can run fast and leap over obstacles when threatened. They are also excellent swimmers and can cross rivers and lakes to escape danger.


Deer are not aggressive creatures and will usually flee from any sign of trouble. However, if cornered or provoked, they can defend themselves with their hooves or antlers. Deer can bite with their sharp teeth, but this is a rare and desperate attack. Deer are more likely to use their speed and agility to evade their enemies, or to seek shelter in dense foliage or rocky terrain.


Deer are social animals that live in herds of varying sizes, depending on the season and the availability of food and water. The herds are usually led by a dominant male, called a stag, who mates with several females, called does. The does give birth to one or two fawns each year, usually in the spring or summer. The fawns stay with their mothers for about a year, until they are old enough to fend for themselves. The stags compete with each other for mates and territory, often clashing their antlers in fierce duels.

Deer are mostly active during the dawn and dusk hours, when they feed on grasses, leaves, fruits, nuts, and other plants. They also need to drink water regularly, and will often visit streams or ponds near their habitats. Deer have a keen sense of smell and hearing, which help them detect predators and communicate with each other. They also use body language and vocalizations to express their emotions and intentions.


Deer play an important role in the ecology of their habitats, as they help spread seeds and fertilize the soil with their droppings. They also provide food for many predators, such as wolves, bears, lions, tigers, and dragons. Deer are hunted by humans for their meat, hide, antlers, and other parts, which can be used for food, clothing, tools, weapons, and magic items. Some cultures also revere deer as symbols of grace, beauty, fertility, or spirituality.