Huge beast (giant animal), unaligned

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 51 (6d12 + 12)
Speed 60 ft. climb 40 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +3 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

20 (+5)14 (+2)14 (+2)2 (-4)12 (+1)5 (-3)

Skills Perception +3
Senses darkvision 180 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Spider Climb. The riding lizard can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.


  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
  • Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 15) and is pulled into the lizard’s mouth. The lizard can bite with advantage and inflicts 19 (4d6 + 5) piercing damage.


The subterranean lizard, also known as the deep lizard or the pack lizard, is a species of giant lizard that inhabits the dark and damp regions of the Underdark. It resembles a huge iguana, with a mottled olive-gray skin and a long, sticky tongue. It can grow up to 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, with a tail that can reach 12 feet in length. Its feet have sticky pads that allow it to walk on any surface, even walls and ceilings. Its jaws are very powerful and can crush bones and metal with ease.


The subterranean lizard is not very aggressive, but it will defend itself if threatened or hungry. It prefers to ambush its prey by hiding in the shadows, using its natural camouflage and stealth skills. It attacks with its bite, which can inflict serious wounds and hold its victim in place. It can also use its tongue to snatch smaller creatures or objects from a distance. It is immune to most poisons and has some resistance to fire, but it is vulnerable to cold spells. It can carry heavy loads of supplies or riders, making it a valuable mount or pack animal for some Underdark dwellers.


The subterranean lizard lives in the Underdark, where it can find plenty of food and shelter. It is omnivorous, feeding on plants, fungi, carrion, and living creatures. It is often attracted to the smell of blood and corpses after battles in the Underdark. It is usually solitary, but it can form small groups or pairs during mating season. It lays eggs in hidden nests, which it guards fiercely until they hatch.

Some races of the Underdark have domesticated the subterranean lizard for various purposes. The drow use them as mounts and pack animals, as well as sources of meat and leather. The duergar also employ them for transportation and trade. The lizardfolk keep them as pets and companions, as well as allies in combat. The tren, a species of reptilian humanoids, have a special bond with the subterranean lizard, as they share a common ancestry and habitat.


The subterranean lizard plays an important role in the ecology of the Underdark. It helps regulate the population of smaller creatures, such as rats, bats, spiders, and insects. It also provides food and resources for other predators and scavengers, such as otyughs, hook horrors, and cloakers. Its eggs are sought after by some creatures as delicacies or ingredients for potions and spells. Its skin is used to make armor and clothing by some Underdark races. Its bones and teeth are used to make weapons and tools by others.

The subterranean lizard is not endangered, as it has few natural enemies and adapts well to different environments. However, it faces some threats from humanoids who hunt it for sport or profit, or who destroy its habitat with mining or warfare. Some subterranean lizards have also been affected by magical experiments or mutations, resulting in aberrant forms that are more dangerous or unpredictable.

Subterranean lizards can be used as mounts or pulling animals for vehicles.

The statistics are detailed in the D&D 5e Animals & Vehicles reference guide. Just have a look at the preview on DrivethruRpg.