SKULKS – 5 e

Origin and History

The origin and history of the skulks are shrouded in mystery and controversy. There are many theories and legends about how the skulks came to be and what they have done throughout the ages. Here are some of the most popular or plausible ones:

  • The Curse of Shar: Some scholars believe that the skulks are descended from humans who were cursed by Shar, the goddess of darkness and secrets, for betraying her secrets. According to this theory, Shar stripped them of their identity and individuality, turning them into gray-skinned, hairless, and voiceless creatures. She also gave them the ability to blend in with any background, but only as a means to hide their shame and guilt. The skulks have been wandering the world ever since, living by theft and murder.
  • The Experiment of Zalathorm: Others suggest that the skulks are the result of a twisted experiment by Zalathorm, a mad wizard who lived in ancient Netheril. According to this theory, Zalathorm was obsessed with creating the perfect infiltrator, a creature that could infiltrate any society and assassinate any target. He used a combination of magic and alchemy to transform a group of humans into skulks, giving them the ability to change their skin color and mimic any voice. He also implanted them with false memories and personalities, making them believe that they were loyal agents of his. However, his experiment went wrong when the skulks rebelled against him and escaped his laboratory.
  • The Hybrid of Reptis: A third theory proposes that the skulks are a hybrid of humans and reptiles, created by a mysterious race called Reptis. According to this theory, Reptis were an ancient and advanced civilization that lived in underground cities. They were masters of genetic engineering and bio-magic, and they experimented with various life forms. They created the skulks as a slave race, using human and reptile DNA to give them intelligence and camouflage. They also implanted them with obedience chips, making them follow their commands. However, their civilization collapsed due to a cataclysmic event, and the skulks were freed from their control.

Role and Impact

The role and impact of the skulks in a campaign setting can vary depending on how you want to use them. Here are some suggestions:

  • As enemies: Skulks can be formidable enemies for your characters or players, especially if they are unaware of their existence or abilities. Skulks can infiltrate any society or organization, posing as friends or allies, while secretly plotting their downfall. Skulks can also ambush or assassinate your characters or players, using their stealth and backstabbing skills. Skulks can be motivated by greed, fear, revenge, or loyalty to a leader or faction.
  • As allies: Skulks can also be potential allies for your characters or players, especially if they share a common enemy or goal. Skulks can provide valuable information, services, or resources for your characters or players, using their disguise and voice imitation skills. Skulks can also assist your characters or players in combat or infiltration missions, using their camouflage and agility skills. Skulks can be motivated by curiosity, gratitude, friendship, or self-interest.
  • As neutrals: Skulks can also be neutral parties for your characters or players, neither helping nor hindering them. Skulks can be encountered as wanderers or nomads, living on the edges of civilization. Skulks can also be encountered as traders or smugglers, dealing with various goods or secrets. Skulks can be motivated by survival, profit, or boredom.


Skulk Leader

Skulk Raider

Skulk Scout