OLIPHANT – 5e stats – inspired on the mythical beast from the Middle Earth

Gargantuan beast (animal), unaligned

Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 555 (30d20 + 240)
Speed 40 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +5
Proficiency Bonus +13 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

28 (+9)8 (-1)26 (+8)6 (-2)9 (-1)8 (-1)

Saving Throws Str +14, Con +13
Skills Perception +14
Senses passive Perception
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)

Trampling Attacks. Any target suffering an attack by the oliphant must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the elephant can make one tusk attack against it as a bonus action.


  • Multiattack. The oliphant can make five attacks, two with its tusks, two with its feet and one with its trunk.
  • Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 48 (6d12 + 9) piercing damage.
  • Feet. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (3d12 + 9) piercing damage.
  • Trunk. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (2d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
  • StompMelee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 53 (8d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The oliphant can make one attack as part of its move action, on multiple targets caught in its course of movement.


An oliphant is a massive, elephant-like creature that roams the grasslands and savannas of the world. They are covered in thick, gray or brown fur, and have long, curved tusks that can pierce through armor and flesh. Their ears are large and floppy, and their eyes are small and intelligent. They have a long, muscular trunk that they use to manipulate objects, communicate, and spray water or dust over themselves. They also have four sturdy legs that end in broad, padded feet. An oliphant can grow up to 40 feet long and 20 feet tall, and weigh up to 20,000 pounds.


An oliphant is a formidable opponent in combat, capable of crushing enemies with its massive bulk or goring them with its tusks. They are also surprisingly agile for their size, able to charge at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. An oliphant can use its trunk to grab, throw, or slam foes, or to create a loud trumpet sound that can frighten or stun nearby creatures. An oliphant is also highly resistant to magic, and can shrug off most spells that would affect its mind or body. An oliphant is usually peaceful and gentle, but will defend itself and its herd fiercely if threatened.


An oliphant lives in large herds of up to 50 individuals, led by a dominant female called a matriarch. The herd consists of females and their young, while males live in smaller bachelor groups or roam alone. The herd communicates with each other using a variety of sounds, gestures, and smells, and has a complex social structure based on kinship and rank. An oliphant has a remarkable memory, and can remember friends and enemies for decades. An oliphant also has a strong sense of morality, and will help other creatures in need or punish those who harm them.


An oliphant is an herbivore that feeds on grasses, leaves, fruits, roots, and bark. It can consume up to 500 pounds of food and 100 gallons of water per day. An oliphant has few natural predators, but may be hunted by dragons, giants, or other powerful creatures for its ivory tusks or meat. An oliphant has a long lifespan of up to 200 years, and reaches maturity at around 20 years of age. An oliphant mates once every few years, and gives birth to a single calf after a gestation period of 22 months. An oliphant calf is cared for by its mother and the rest of the herd until it is fully grown.