The Yugoloths: The Ultimate Enemies of Good and Order

The yugoloths are a race of fiends that inhabit the Lower Planes. They are composed of various types of creatures, such as baatezu, tanar’ri, and other yugoloths. The yugoloths are notorious for their treachery and selfishness, often betraying their patrons and allies for their own gain. They are also fierce and cunning warriors, capable of inflicting great damage with their claws, teeth, and magic. However, the yugoloths are not very effective as a group, as they often fight among themselves for territory or resources. The yugoloths are also wary of each other, as they know that they can be easily defeated by a stronger enemy. Therefore, the yugoloths rarely cooperate or form alliances with each other, except when they have to in order to survive or advance their interests. The yugoloths are also constantly at war with each other, as they compete for power and influence in the Underdark. The baatezu and tanar’ri use yugoloths in their conflicts only because they fear that the other might gain an advantage by using them. The yugoloths do not care about the cause or the outcome of these wars, as long as they can profit from them. The yugoloths are also greedy and avaricious, always looking for ways to increase their wealth and status. They gladly turn on their employers for the right price, or even betray their own kind for more money or power. Fortunately for the yugoloths, battle reports rarely return to Baator or the Abyss, where they originated from. When they do, the offending yugoloths are hunted and punished with unimaginable torture. This does not deter further betrayals, for the greed of a yugoloth runs deep.











The Books of Keeping: The Ancient Tome that Contains the True Names of the Yugoloths

The yugoloths have a secret and sinister way of reproducing themselves. They have created four copies of an ancient tome that contains their true names and instructions on how to conjure and control them. These books are known as the Books of Keeping, and they are scattered across the multiverse, hidden from the eyes of most beings. The Books of Keeping are very dangerous, as they can unleash powerful yugoloths at will, or even re-create them from the souls of the dead. The yugoloths value these books highly, and they guard them jealously. They also use them to manipulate and deceive others, by pretending to be their allies or enemies, depending on their interests. The yugoloths believe that by using the Books of Keeping, they can achieve their ultimate goal: to become the supreme rulers of all creation.

One shator, the highest form of gehreleth, had conspired to collect the names of hundreds of yugoloths into a new Book of Keeping, an ancient, obscure book listing the true names of the original yugoloth race. When all four copies of the Books of Keeping disappeared, Asmodeus and the night hags lost control of their yugoloth creations. Each Book of Keeping still exists, drifting from plane to plane, where the brave and the foolish occasionally stumble upon them.

The General of Gehenna: A Master of Manipulation and Deception

Somewhere in the brimstone wastes of Gehenna, there roams an ultroloth so strong that none contests his power: the General of Gehenna, ruler of everything there.

Many ultroloths search for this great general in hopes of serving with him. They believe that service with the General of Gehenna grants power and prestige among the lower planar entities. Whatever the case, no one finds the General unless he desires it.

His personal name is unknown, and even The Book of Keeping does not mention this powerful, thoroughly evil entity. Perhaps some secrets are best unrevealed.

The General of Gehenna is said to be the very first ultroloth, and possibly an altraloth as well. He is the mysterious master of the yugoloth race, who manipulate the warring sides of the Blood War against one another. He is also a master of manipulation and deception, using his hypnotic gaze and telepathy to sway others to his will. He is loyal only to himself and his patron, the yugoloth, a fiendish creature that grants him power and wealth in exchange for his service.

The General of Gehenna is feared and respected by all yugoloths, who know that he can destroy them with a thought. He is also wary of other powerful beings, such as devils, demons, or even gods. He rarely shows himself to anyone, preferring to remain hidden in his lair or travel across the planes in search of new challenges and opportunities.

The General of Gehenna is a legend among fiends and mortals alike, a being so powerful that he defies description or understanding. He is the ultimate enemy of good and order, a force that must be stopped at all costs.