Thor – Norse Avatar for D&D 5e

Thor, Norse Avatar

Huge Humanoid; Fighter 20; Cleric 18; Proficiency bonus +12

Armor Class 22
Hit Points 280
Speed 90 ft.

25 (+7)18 (+4)18 (+4)18 (+4)18 (+4)19 (+4)

Meginjarder. This magical item makes Thor’s avatar immune to fire.

Jarn Grieper. The glove grants Thor’s avatar +3 attacks per round.

Spells. Thor’s avatar can call upon the sun, elementals and weather spheres for his spells.


  • Multiattack. Thor’s avatar makes six attacks per round with Mjolnir.
  • Mjolnir” Hammer +5. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit; one target. Hit: 23 (1d8 +19). Mjolnir can be thrown up to 200 yards away and never misses the target; the hammer can cast 20d10 lighting damage once per day broken up anyway wielder desire.


Thor’s avatar is a huge red-bearded man. When in Midgard he carries Mjolnir, and wears both Meginjarder and the glove Jarn Grieper which allows him to attack three more times per round and makes him immune to fire.

God & Clergy (go to page)