Search Results for: owl

Oghma – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Oghma (Intermediate God) Oghma, whose epithet, Grianainech, means “of the sun-like countenance,” is the god of eloquence and language. His speeches and words carry great weight with his listeners, and he is often depicted as having gold chains between his tongue and the ears of his listeners. Celts have great respect for the powers of […]

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Tezcatlipoca- God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Tezcatlipoca (Intermediate God) Tezcatlipoca’s name, which means “Smoking Mirror,” seems particularly appropriate. He was worshiped by the Toltecs, the Aztec’s predescessors, as a sun/warrior god who fought a daily battle against the night. He was also credited with ripening crops, but was also feared because of his ability to bring on droughts. Tezcatlipoca was the

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