Search Results for: imp

Old School Renaissance – Adventurer Conqueror King System

Publisher: Autarch Adventurer Conqueror King System: a fantasy role-playing game that takes you from adventure to kingdom Learn what Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS) is, a fantasy role-playing game that allows you to manage your domain, your army and your trade. If you are looking for a fantasy role-playing game that allows you to live […]

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DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #33 – Level #2a – The Citadel

THE ANVIL OF THE GEHENNA A duergar named Tharsil runs this weaponsmith. He works especifically with cold iron and other complex materials coming from all the multiverse. In general, Tharsil works for commissions and special peticion by exigent customers, but he always has some interesting piece of weapons on the racks of his workshop. It

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DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #31 – Level #2a – The Citadel

THE SCRIBE Adamar, an elf wizard (primer, lawful evil), runs this shop. The Scribe deals with scroll transcriptions, copying of tomes and everything related to inks and writing materials. Four Imps work as assistants of Adamar, helping him in the work of transcriptions. Adamar is always interested in purchasing precious tomes and scrolls, either magical

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DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #29 – Level #2a – The Citadel

THE AUGUR This is the home of Cirophise, an Aasimar (Planar, True Neutral) seer, fortuneteller and diviner. Cirophise has a long list of prestigious and anonimous customers. Among the shops located in the Alley of Witchcraft, hers is for sure the most frequented and exclusive. It is said that the predictions of the Aasimar responds

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