THE BURNING PLAGUE – 3.5 One Shot Adventure PDF

A sickness has come unto the simple mining community of Duvik’s Pass, poisoning their wells and blighting their crops. With the pestilence leaving the strongest men of the town’s guard a few short days away from death, the burden of descending into the mines and purging the wellspring of whatever evil has settled there falls to an intrepid band of adventurers. Can these noble heroes prevail within the depths of Duvik’s Pass, or will they too fall victim to the perils of The Burning Plague?

The Burning Plague is a good one-shot adventure tuned for D&D 3.5, but very easy to adapt and convert for almost any fantasy RPG.

This adventure does not include any dungeon or geographical map, so both must be made by the Game Master or imported from other sources.

The Burning Plague is available on DrivethruRpg for 0.99 dollars…basically nothing.


These are the main map elements the Game Master needs to procede with the adventure

A general map of the village known as Duvik’s Pass

A geographical map characterizing mountains and mountain valleys, where in one of these valleys Duvik’s Pass is located.

Some maps of abandoned mines. The adventure itself requires only one, but it would be prudent to have more than one available just in case the characters decide to explore the mountains around the valley of Duvik’s Pass.


The adventure propose kobolds as the main creature occupying the abandoned mines, but other options are possible.

Depending on how many dungeons (or abandoned mines) the Game Master wants to place in the mountains surrounding the town.

It is also important to note that the kobolds are suffering the same fate of the townfolks due to the plague.

The Game Master should also revise his list of traps, because kobolds have placed many to protect their lair.


The plague, or burning plague, transmits by contact and act quickly. The Game Master may want to tweak this aspect, because a disease transmitted by contact and quick to act at the same time does not usually constitute a danger big enough.

The possible solutions are:

  • Increase the DC of saving throw to resist the disease
  • Reduce the constitution loss for a failed save


The villain is an orc shaman of Gruumsh seeking revenge. He is basically responsible for spreading the plague.

The orc shaman is, as a cultist of Gruumsh, able to to raise dead, usually zombies.


The adventure provides some hints of the room composing the mines.

It describes 7 rooms, six plus the final room where the orc is living, all placed at the same level.

However, a good solution, considering the map is not included, is to have two levels instead.

The first level of the mines will work as the kobold lair.

The second level of the mines, harder to reach even for the kobolds, may well be the lair of the orc shaman.

At the moment the adventurers arrive at the mines, the kobold are having a hard time with the plague, and even if they know where the orc is located, they cannot reach him because of the presence of zombies.


The adventurers must find the source of the plague and neutralize it or at least discover what is going on.