AD&D Blackjammer Cutlass book of artifacts

The Blackjammer’s Cutlass: A Guide to the Most Infamous Sword in Spelljammer



The Blackjammer’s Cutlass: A Legendary Artifact of Spelljammer

If you are a fan of the Spelljammer campaign setting, a fantasy space opera genre that combines Dungeons & Dragons with science fiction elements, you may have heard of the Blackjammer’s Cutlass. This is a magical heavy cutlass that once belonged to the notorious pirate Captain Blackjammer, who raided the crystal spheres of Realmspace and beyond. The cutlass has many powers and a strong personality that influences its owner to become a ruthless freebooter. The cutlass is currently lost in the Flow, the chaotic substance that connects the crystal spheres, and is waiting for someone to find it. In this article, we will explore the history, description, and powers of this fascinating artifact.

History of the Blackjammer’s Cutlass

The Blackjammer’s Cutlass was forged in a hidden port in the Tears of Selune, a cluster of asteroids orbiting the world of Toril in Realmspace. The first owner of the Cutlass was Captain Blackjammer, a legendary pirate who became famous for his sword and his deeds. He was known as a paragon of piratical ruthlessness and skill, and he plundered many ships and worlds with his crew .

The Cutlass has had many other owners since Blackjammer’s death, but none of them have matched his reputation or skill. Some of them were Elsun of the Dragon Claw, a female pirate who died in a battle with an elven ship , and Zebulon Cook, a scholar who studied the Cutlass and wrote a book about it. The last known owner of the Cutlass was Elsun of the Dragon Claw, who lost it overboard when her ship was destroyed by an elven man-o-war . The Cutlass is now drifting in the Flow somewhere between Oerth and Krynn , and may be found by anyone who dares to venture into the wild space.

Description of the Blackjammer’s Cutlass

The Blackjammer’s Cutlass is a unique weapon that has a black crystal blade and a silver basket hilt. The weapon is of an old-fashioned style that is not commonly used in modern times. The weapon is lighter than a normal cutlass, despite its large size . The blade does not appear to be made of metal, but of a material resembling a dull, matte onyx. The hilt is carved to resemble a sailor being keel-hauled, which is a form of punishment where a person is dragged under a ship. The Cutlass has an elaborate design that reflects its origin and history.

Powers of the Blackjammer’s Cutlass

The Blackjammer’s Cutlass has constant, invoked, and random powers that make it a formidable weapon and a useful tool for sailing and navigation. The Cutlass can create darkness within a 15-foot radius that does not affect the wielder. It also improves the owner’s armor class by 2 and grants proficiency in navigation and seamanship. The Cutlass also has three random powers that are determined by rolling on a table of combat effects .

The Cutlass is cursed with a strong personality that can speak and influence its owner to become a pirate. The Cutlass has an intelligence of 19 and an ego of 20, and it communicates verbally with a heavy pirate accent. It knows Common and Elven languages. It prefers bawdy songs and coarse jokes, and it will insult anyone who annoys it or threatens its owner. It does not care if its owner is killed, as it believes there is always another one. The owner also risks artifact transformation, being changed into a black-hearted pirate always on the lookout for ships to plunder and saying “Arrgh, matey!” far too much.


Here are some possible scenarios:

  • The party hears rumors of a mysterious shipwreck in the Flow that contains a legendary sword. They decide to investigate and find the remains of Elsun’s ship, the Dragon Claw. They also encounter a group of scavengers who are looking for the same sword. The party must either fight or negotiate with the scavengers to claim the Cutlass for themselves.
  • The party is hired by a collector of rare artifacts who wants them to find and retrieve the Blackjammer’s Cutlass. The collector gives them a clue that leads them to a hidden port in the Tears of Selune, where the Cutlass was forged. There, they discover that the port is inhabited by a cult of pirates who worship Captain Blackjammer as a god. The party must either infiltrate or assault the port to get the Cutlass.
  • The party is contacted by a mysterious figure who claims to be Captain Blackjammer himself. He says that he is still alive and wants his sword back. He offers them a reward if they can find and deliver the Cutlass to him. The party must decide whether to trust him or not, and if they do, they must follow his instructions to locate the Cutlass. However, they also learn that there are other forces who are hunting for Blackjammer and his sword, and they may have to deal with them as well.
  • The party finds the Blackjammer’s Cutlass in a random encounter and decides to keep it. However, they soon realize that the sword has a mind of its own and tries to influence them to become pirates. The party must either resist or embrace the sword’s personality and influence, and deal with the consequences of their actions. They may also attract the attention of other pirates who want the sword, or authorities who want to stop them.
  • The party is invited to participate in a space race that involves visiting multiple worlds and completing various challenges. The grand prize is the Blackjammer’s Cutlass, which is held by the race organizer. The party must compete with other racers who have different motives and methods. They must also deal with the obstacles and dangers that await them in each world and in the Flow. They may also discover that the race organizer has a hidden agenda behind the race.


The Blackjammer’s Cutlass is an artifact from the Spelljammer campaign setting that has a rich history and powerful abilities. It is also cursed with a personality that can make its owner into a pirate. The Cutlass is currently lost in space, but it may be found by anyone who is brave enough to search for it.