Old School Renaissance – Dungeon Crawl Classics – 76.5 Well of the Worm

Publisher: Goodman Games

What is it?

DCC #76.5 Well of the Worm is a level 1 adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, a game of weird fantasy, cosmic horror, and gonzo fun. It is written by Harley Stroh, one of the most prolific and talented authors of DCC RPG modules, and published by Goodman Games, the company behind the game.

What is it about?

The adventure takes place on the Plains of Barrowdown, a war-torn land where the dead are buried in mass graves and the living are preyed upon by giant maggots with human faces. These worms are the spawn of an ancient horror that lurks in a well, where a mad wizard seeks to unleash it upon the world. The players must brave the dangers of the well, where the worm mother and her spawn await, and stop the wizard from completing his ritual of doom.

What did I like?

The adventure is short but packed with action, atmosphere, and creativity. The author does a great job of describing the setting and the monsters, making them both vivid and terrifying. The well is a complex and interesting dungeon, with multiple levels, hidden passages, traps, and secrets. The worm mother is a formidable foe, capable of birthing more worms and controlling them with her mind. The wizard is a twisted villain, who has sacrificed his own flesh and sanity to the worms. The adventure also offers some choices and consequences for the players, such as whether to save or kill a captive girl, or whether to destroy or claim a powerful artifact.

The adventure is well-suited for DCC RPG, as it embraces the themes of weird fantasy, cosmic horror, and gonzo fun. The adventure has plenty of opportunities for luck checks, spellburns, corruption, and crits. The magic items are unique and flavorful, such as a sword that can cut through anything but drains the wielder’s life force, or a ring that can summon a worm but also attracts them. The adventure also has some nods to classic D&D modules, such as Tomb of Horrors and Keep on the Borderlands.

What are the most interesting encounters in the adventure?

There are many interesting encounters in the adventure, but here are some of the most memorable ones:

  • The entrance to the well is guarded by a giant worm that can swallow a character whole. The players have to either fight it, sneak past it, or find another way to enter the well.
  • The second level of the well is a maze of tunnels dug by the worms. The players have to navigate through the maze, avoiding or fighting the worms, and finding clues and treasures along the way.
  • The third level of the well is a cavern of bones, where the worm mother and her spawn feed on the corpses of the dead. The players have to face the worm mother, who can control her spawn with her mind, and try to kill her or escape from her.
  • The fourth level of the well is a sanctum of the wizard, who is performing a ritual to awaken the ancient horror. The players have to stop the wizard, who has fused his flesh with the worms, and decide what to do with the artifact that he is using for the ritual.

What are the most interesting locations in the adventure?

The adventure has several interesting locations that add to the flavor and atmosphere of the story. Some of the most interesting locations are:

  • The Plains of Barrowdown, where the adventure takes place, are a war-torn land where the dead are buried in mass graves and the living are preyed upon by giant maggots with human faces. The plains are a bleak and desolate landscape, where the wind howls and the earth trembles. The plains are also home to some survivors, such as a band of nomads, a tribe of goblins, and a mysterious girl who knows the secrets of the well.
  • The Well of the Worm is the main location of the adventure, where the ancient horror and its spawn dwell. The well is a deep and dark hole in the ground, surrounded by bones and blood. The well has four levels, each with its own challenges and dangers. The well is a complex and interesting dungeon, with multiple paths, hidden passages, traps, secrets, and treasures. The well is also a source of power, as it contains a powerful artifact that can either save or doom the world.
  • The Wizard’s Tower is a secondary location of the adventure, where the mad wizard who seeks to awaken the ancient horror lives. The tower is a tall and twisted structure, made of stone and metal. The tower is filled with strange devices, experiments, and creatures. The tower is also guarded by traps, wards, and minions. The tower is a optional but rewarding location, as it offers clues, items, and allies for the players.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #76.5: Well of the Worm on DrivethruRpg