Search Results for: owl

Puchan – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Puchan (Intermediate God) Puchan is the god who guides, watching over travelers, ushering the dead to Varna’s realm, leading men to wealth or away from trouble, and showing herdsmen where to find good pastures for their cattle. He also brings all things into proper relationship with one another, blessing marriages, protecting men from those would

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Mitra – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Mitra (Intermediate God) Like Surya and Savitri, Mitra is one of several Vedic solar deities. He embodies thebeneficial aspects of the sun, providing light and warmth, and making plants grow. Mitra also helps Varuna safeguardthe Cosmic Order by shining his light on all that occurs on earth, and by presiding over friendships and ratifying contracts.

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