Previous article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 3- Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Secundary Stats
In this short article we’ll just present a sketch table where we relate experience and tier of a settlement.
It has to be considered temporary and will probably change. Many elements has to be defined before. However, we just want to have an idea of what advancing of tier means for a settlement.
As a general rule the table should contain:
a) amount of experience required to advance to a new tier.
It will be about deciding how we want the progression to be, however we don’t know yet how to ward experience so this column will be temporary.
b) tier related to a certain amount of experience points.
The table will show how to reach tier 10 at max, at least for now.
c) offense of the settlement
d) defense of the settlement
We have already talked about offense and defense in the previous article, here we’ll just show progression of both primary stats.
e) population increment
We said that population reflect the settlement hit points, but we have not defined yet any effect that could affect the population.
f) special benefits for the new tier
Here we’ll probably award new traits, bonus actions and other things that increase the settlement power.

Next article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 5 – Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Actions