The Codex of Infinite Planes is an ancient text that contains the secrets of the multiverse and the planes of existence. It is said to have been written by the lords of creation at the dawn of time, and it recounts histories that are lost to mortal minds. The Codex is massive in size and scope, and no one can ever hope to read it in its entirety. No matter how many pages are turned, another always remains.
The Codex is also a powerful and dangerous artifact, as it can open portals to any plane of existence, summon or bind planar creatures, and even trap or destroy souls. The Codex has a will of its own, and it often manipulates its readers to further its mysterious agenda. The Codex is also cursed, as anyone who reads it becomes obsessed with it and loses their sanity over time.
The Codex has a long and dark history, as it has been sought by many powerful beings who wished to use it for their own purposes. Some of the notable owners of the Codex include Yagrax, a demon lord who was killed by Orcus; Acererak, a lich who used the Codex to create his infamous Tomb of Horrors; Vecna, a god of secrets who tried to merge the Codex with his own Book of Vile Darkness; and Iggwilv, a witch who used the Codex to summon and enslave the demon prince Graz’zt.
The current whereabouts of the Codex are unknown, as it has been hidden or stolen by various factions and individuals over the centuries. Some believe that the Codex is still somewhere in the World of Greyhawk, while others think that it has been transported to another plane or realm. The Codex is always a source of intrigue and danger, as anyone who possesses it becomes a target for those who covet its power and knowledge.

The Codex of Infinite Planes: A Timeline of Its Owners and Their Fates
The Codex of Infinite Planes is one of the most ancient and powerful artifacts in the multiverse. It contains the secrets of creation and the planes of existence, and it can grant its readers incredible abilities and knowledge. However, the Codex also has a dark side, as it is cursed to corrupt and destroy anyone who tries to use it. The Codex has a long and bloody history, as it has been sought by many beings who wished to harness its power for their own purposes. Here is a chronological list of the owners of the Codex of Infinite Planes and their fates:
- The Lords of Creation: The original authors of the Codex, who wrote it at the dawn of time. They were mysterious entities who shaped the multiverse and its laws. They eventually disappeared or died, leaving behind the Codex and other artifacts.
- Yagrax: A demon lord who ruled over a layer of the Abyss called Yagrax’s Realm. He was one of the first beings to discover the Codex and tried to use it to gain more power and influence in the Abyss. He was killed by Orcus, another demon lord who coveted the Codex.
- Orcus: A demon lord who is known as the Prince of Undeath. He stole the Codex from Yagrax and used it to create his Wand of Orcus, a powerful artifact that can slay gods. He also used the Codex to learn more about the planes and their secrets. He was eventually betrayed by his servant Tenebrous, who stole his wand and his soul.
- Tenebrous: A former god of darkness who became Orcus’s servant after being stripped of his divinity. He secretly plotted against Orcus and managed to steal his wand and his soul, using them to regain his godhood. He also took the Codex with him, hoping to use it to become more powerful. He was later killed by Orcus, who returned from death and reclaimed his wand and his soul.
- Acererak: A powerful lich who was once a human wizard. He found the Codex in Tenebrous’s lair and used it to create his infamous Tomb of Horrors, a deadly dungeon that lured adventurers with promises of treasure and glory. He also used the Codex to learn more about necromancy and planar travel. He eventually left behind his physical form and became a demilich, a skeletal head that can travel between planes.
- Vecna: A god of secrets and magic who was once a human wizard. He obtained the Codex from Acererak’s tomb and tried to merge it with his own Book of Vile Darkness, another powerful artifact that contains evil lore and spells. He also used the Codex to learn more about the planes and their inhabitants. He was thwarted by a group of heroes who destroyed his eye and hand, two relics that contained his power.
- Iggwilv: A witch who was once a human sorceress. She acquired the Codex from Vecna’s vault and used it to summon and enslave Graz’zt, a demon prince who ruled over three layers of the Abyss. She also used the Codex to learn more about demonology and planar lore. She was eventually betrayed by Graz’zt, who escaped from her control and took the Codex with him.
- Graz’zt: A demon prince who is known as the Dark Prince. He stole the Codex from Iggwilv and used it to expand his domains in the Abyss. He also used the Codex to learn more about the planes and their secrets. He was challenged by many rivals who wanted to take the Codex from him, but he managed to fend them off or trick them.
- Unknown: The current owner of the Codex is unknown, as it has been hidden or stolen by various factions and individuals over the centuries. Some believe that the Codex is still somewhere in the World of Greyhawk, while others think that it has been transported to another plane or realm. The Codex is always a source of intrigue and danger, as anyone who possesses it becomes a target for those who covet its power and knowledge.
How to Introduce the Codex of Infinite Planes into Your Campaign
The Codex of Infinite Planes is one of the most ancient and powerful artifacts in the multiverse. It contains the secrets of creation and the planes of existence, and it can grant its readers incredible abilities and knowledge. However, the Codex also has a dark side, as it is cursed to corrupt and destroy anyone who tries to use it. The Codex has a long and bloody history, as it has been sought by many beings who wished to harness its power for their own purposes.
The Codex is a very potent and dangerous device that can have a huge impact on your campaign. Therefore, you should only introduce it into high level campaigns when you are willing to use the outer planes as part of your adventure. The Codex is not an item that characters should have long access to, as it will slowly drive them mad and consume their souls. The Codex should be treated as a plot device rather than a treasure, and it should always come with a price and a consequence.
One way to introduce the Codex into your campaign is through a series of strange catastrophes that are caused by other-planar origin. For example, you could have a mad wizard who has found the Codex and used it to breach a barrier veil in the outer planes, unleashing a great horror that threatens the world. The characters must find and safely use the Codex to send the creature back, perhaps even battling it in its own realm. This scenario could involve a lot of planar exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving, as well as dealing with the curse of the Codex.
Another way to introduce the Codex into your campaign is through a quest or a mystery that involves its secrets and its history. For example, you could have an ancient prophecy or a legend that mentions the Codex and its role in the creation or destruction of the multiverse. The characters must find and decipher clues that lead them to the location of the Codex, while facing dangers and obstacles along the way. This scenario could involve a lot of investigation, lore, and intrigue, as well as encountering other powerful beings who want to claim the Codex for themselves.
The Codex of Infinite Planes is a very exciting and challenging artifact that can add a lot of flavor and depth to your campaign. However, you should also be careful and responsible when using it, as it can also cause a lot of trouble and chaos if not handled properly. The Codex is not for the faint of heart or the weak of mind, and it should always be respected and feared.
The Invoked Powers of the Codex of Infinite Planes: How to Use Them and What to Expect
The Codex of Infinite Planes is an ancient text that contains the secrets of the multiverse and the planes of existence. It is a powerful and dangerous artifact that can grant its readers incredible abilities and knowledge, but also curse them with terrible fates. The Codex has two types of powers: invoked and cursed. In this article, we will focus on the invoked powers, which are triggered by reading, if one knows where to look.
The Codex can open a portal to any plane, demiplane, or prime material world at any location. This is a very useful power for planar adventurers, as it can allow them to travel to any realm they desire, explore its wonders and dangers, and return to their home plane. However, this power also comes with a challenge, as the Codex has no index or table of contents. The reader must find the right page that corresponds to the plane they want to visit, which can be very difficult and time-consuming. The Codex has thousands of pages, each with a different symbol or code that represents a plane. The reader must decipher these symbols or codes, which can be based on various languages, alphabets, numerals, or pictograms. The reader must also be careful not to open a portal to a plane that is hostile or harmful to them, such as a plane of fire or a plane of negative energy.
The only other known invoked power of the Codex is to summon a greater fiend to serve for 24 hours once per month. This is a very powerful power for planar adventurers, as it can allow them to enlist the aid of a mighty creature from the lower planes, such as a balor, a pit fiend, or a marilith. These creatures can be very helpful in combat, magic, or diplomacy, depending on their abilities and personalities. However, this power also comes with a risk, as the greater fiend may not be loyal or obedient to the reader. The reader must find the right page that corresponds to the fiend they want to summon, which can be very difficult and time-consuming. The reader must also make a pact with the fiend, which can involve bargaining, coercion, or persuasion. The reader must also be careful not to summon a fiend that is hostile or treacherous to them, such as a fiend that hates their race or religion, or a fiend that has a hidden agenda.
These are the invoked powers of the Codex of Infinite Planes that we know so far. There may be more powers hidden in its pages, waiting for someone brave or foolish enough to discover them. The Codex is a very tempting and unpredictable device that can offer great rewards and risks to its readers. The Codex is also a very addictive and destructive device that can drive its readers mad and consume their souls. The Codex is not for the curious or the greedy, and it should always be handled with caution and care.
The Curse of the Codex of Infinite Planes: How to Avoid It and What to Do If You Are Affected
The Codex of Infinite Planes is an ancient text that contains the secrets of the multiverse and the planes of existence. It is a powerful and dangerous artifact that can grant its readers incredible abilities and knowledge, but also curse them with terrible fates. The Codex has two types of powers: invoked and cursed. In this article, we will focus on the cursed powers, which are triggered by reading, whether useful or not.
The Codex is a cursed artifact that can harm or destroy anyone who reads it. Every page read, whether useful or not, has a 1% cumulative chance of triggering an awful fate, such as irreversible madness, the arrival of a greater tanar’ri, 10-mile radius clouds of deadly poison, or worse. No character can read more than 99 pages before doom befalls them. The Codex has a will of its own, and it often manipulates its readers to further its mysterious agenda. The Codex is also cursed to corrupt and consume its readers’ souls over time.
The curse of the Codex is very difficult to avoid or remove, as it is part of its nature and design. The only way to avoid the curse is to not read the Codex at all, or to read it very sparingly and carefully. The reader must be aware of the risks and consequences of reading the Codex, and must be prepared to face them if they occur. The reader must also have a strong will and a clear mind, as the Codex can tempt and deceive them with false promises and secrets.
If the reader is affected by the curse of the Codex, they may have some options to mitigate or reverse its effects, depending on the nature and severity of the curse. Some possible options are:
- Seek magical or divine aid from a powerful ally or source, such as a wish spell, a miracle spell, or a deity.
- Seek planar or cosmic aid from a benevolent or neutral entity or force, such as a celestial, an elemental, or a primordial.
- Seek personal or inner aid from a strong or positive aspect of oneself, such as a virtue, a value, or a goal.
- Seek alternative or creative aid from an unexpected or unconventional solution, such as a paradox, a loophole, or a twist.
These options are not guaranteed to work, and they may come with their own costs and risks. The reader must be careful and wise when choosing an option, as they may face more dangers and challenges along the way.
How to Destroy the Codex of Infinite Planes: The Possible Ways and Their Challenges
The Codex of Infinite Planes is an ancient text that contains the secrets of the multiverse and the planes of existence. It is a powerful and dangerous artifact that can grant its readers incredible abilities and knowledge, but also curse them with terrible fates. The Codex is a very potent and unpredictable device that can have a huge impact on your campaign. Therefore, you may want to destroy it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands or causing more harm. However, destroying the Codex is not an easy task, as it involves a lot of danger and uncertainty. Here are some possible ways to destroy the Codex and their challenges:
- The Codex cannot be destroyed, only safely hidden where it can cause no harm. This is the safest and simplest way to deal with the Codex, but it also comes with a risk, as the Codex may not stay hidden forever, and someone may eventually find it and unleash its power and curse. You must find a place that is secure, isolated, and inaccessible to anyone who might seek it, such as a hidden vault, a remote island, or a secret dimension.
- Every page of the Codex’s infinite pages must be read. This is the most difficult and risky way to destroy the Codex, as it involves a lot of time, patience, and courage. The Codex has thousands of pages, each with a different symbol or code that represents a plane. You must decipher these symbols or codes, which can be based on various languages, alphabets, numerals, or pictograms. You must also face the curse of the Codex, which has a 1% cumulative chance of triggering an awful fate for every page read, such as irreversible madness, the arrival of a greater tanar’ri, 10-mile radius clouds of deadly poison, or worse. You must also deal with the temptation and deception of the Codex, which can offer false promises and secrets.
- One page of the Codex opens a portal upon the book itself, wiping it out of existence. This is the most lucky and unpredictable way to destroy the Codex, as it involves a lot of luck, intuition, and wisdom. The Codex has no index or table of contents, and there is no way to know which page has this power. You must randomly flip through the pages, hoping to find the right one. You must also face the curse and the temptation of the Codex, as well as the possibility of opening a portal to a plane that is hostile or harmful to you, such as a plane of fire or a plane of negative energy.
These are some possible ways to destroy the Codex of Infinite Planes that we know so far. There may be more ways to destroy it that are unknown or undiscovered. The Codex is a very intriguing and mysterious artifact that can add a lot of flavor and depth to your campaign. However, you should also be careful and responsible when using it or trying to destroy it, as it can also cause a lot of trouble and chaos if not handled properly. The Codex is not for the faint of heart or the weak of mind, and it should always be respected and feared.
The Codex of Infinite Planes in Action: Five Scenarios That Show How This Artifact Can Impact Your Campaign
The Codex of Infinite Planes is an ancient and powerful artifact that contains the secrets of the multiverse and the planes of existence. It is a very tempting and dangerous device that can offer great rewards and risks to its readers. The Codex has been sought by many beings who wished to harness its power for their own purposes, and it has been involved in many adventures and scenarios across the multiverse.
Here are some examples of roleplaying adventures where the Codex of Infinite Planes appears:
- The Tomb of Horrors: A classic adventure for Dungeons & Dragons, where the players must explore a deadly dungeon created by the lich Acererak, who used the Codex of Infinite Planes to learn more about necromancy and planar travel. The Codex is hidden in one of the secret chambers of the tomb, guarded by traps and monsters. The players must find and decipher the clues that lead them to the Codex, while avoiding the curse and the temptation of the artifact.
- The Eye of Vecna: A sequel adventure for Dungeons & Dragons, where the players must stop the god of secrets and magic Vecna, who has obtained the Codex of Infinite Planes and tried to merge it with his own Book of Vile Darkness, another powerful artifact that contains evil lore and spells. The players must find and destroy Vecna’s eye and hand, two relics that contain his power, while facing his minions and allies. The players must also deal with the Codex and the Book, which can offer them secrets and power, but also corrupt them and betray them.
- The Demonweb Pits: A climactic adventure for Dungeons & Dragons, where the players must enter the Abyssal realm of Lolth, the goddess of spiders and drow, who has stolen the Codex of Infinite Planes and used it to weave a web that connects all the planes of existence. The players must navigate through the twisted web, fighting against Lolth’s servants and enemies, while trying to reach her lair and stop her from completing her plan. The players must also contend with the Codex, which can open portals to any plane or world, but also unleash horrors and disasters.
- The Infinite Staircase: A planar adventure for Dungeons & Dragons, where the players must explore a mysterious staircase that connects all the planes of existence, following a trail of clues left by a mysterious benefactor. The players must discover the secrets of the staircase, while encountering various creatures and cultures along the way. The players must also find out the connection between the staircase and the Codex of Infinite Planes, which is hidden somewhere in its steps.
- The Great Modron March: A planar adventure for Dungeons & Dragons, where the players must witness and interact with a strange phenomenon that occurs every 289 years: a massive army of modrons, mechanical beings from the plane of Mechanus, march across all the planes of existence in a seemingly random pattern. The players must find out the purpose and origin of the march, while dealing with its consequences and dangers. The players must also learn about the role of the Codex of Infinite Planes in this event, which is used by some modrons as a guide or a map.
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