Publisher: Wizards of the Coast (previously TSR)
The Emirates of Ylaruam is a nation of proud and devout people, who live in harmony with the harsh and beautiful desert that surrounds them. The emirates have a rich and ancient history, dating back to the times of the Nithian Empire and the Great Rain of Fire. The emirates follow the Eternal Truth, a monotheistic religion that worships the Immortal Al-Kalim, who guided them to their destiny. The emirates have a diverse and vibrant culture, influenced by the nomadic tribes, the urban centers, and the exotic lands they have encountered. The emirates also have a mysterious and powerful magic, derived from the Eternal Truth, the Immortals, and the ancient civilizations that lie buried in the sands. The emirates face their destiny in the world of Mystara, a world of wonder and peril, where they must deal with their allies and enemies, their traditions and innovations, and their secrets and mysteries.

The Political and Diplomatic Relations of the Emirates
The Emirates of Ylaruam is composed of ten provinces, each ruled by an emir who owes allegiance to the sultan, the supreme ruler of the nation. The sultan is advised by the Grand Vizier, the head of the bureaucracy, and the Grand Mufti, the head of the clergy. The sultan also appoints the caliph, the leader of the military, who commands the army and the navy. The emirates have a complex and dynamic political system, where the emirs, the sultan, the Grand Vizier, the Grand Mufti, and the caliph often compete for power and influence.
The emirates have a long and turbulent history of relations with other nations, especially their neighbors in the Known World. The emirates have a bitter rivalry with the Thyatian Empire, a militaristic and expansionist nation that once occupied and oppressed the emirates. The emirates have a friendly alliance with the Alphatian Kingdom, a magical and enlightened nation that helped the emirates gain their independence from Thyatis. The emirates have a tense and uneasy relationship with the Ethengar Khanates, a nomadic and warlike nation that shares a border and a culture with the emirates. The emirates have a cordial and respectful relationship with the Five Shires, a peaceful and prosperous nation of halflings that trade with the emirates.
The emirates also have contacts and interactions with other nations and regions in the world of Mystara, such as the Savage Coast, the Hollow World, the Outer World, and the Plane of Fire. The emirates seek to spread the Eternal Truth, to protect their interests, and to explore the wonders and mysteries of the world.
The Social and Cultural Diversity of the Emirates
The Emirates of Ylaruam is a nation of diverse and colorful people, who have different lifestyles, traditions, and beliefs. The emirates have two main social groups: the urban dwellers and the desert nomads. The urban dwellers live in the cities and towns of the emirates, where they engage in trade, commerce, crafts, arts, and sciences. The urban dwellers are more cosmopolitan and progressive, and they enjoy the comforts and luxuries of civilization. The desert nomads live in the oases and the wilderness of the emirates, where they herd animals, hunt, and raid. The desert nomads are more conservative and traditional, and they value the freedom and simplicity of nature.
The emirates have a rich and varied culture, influenced by the different tribes, races, and lands that have shaped their history. The emirates have a strong sense of honor, hospitality, and loyalty, and they follow a strict code of conduct and etiquette. The emirates have a vibrant and expressive art, music, and literature, inspired by the beauty and drama of the desert. The emirates have a sophisticated and refined cuisine, architecture, and fashion, influenced by the exotic and diverse products and styles they have encountered. The emirates have a festive and joyous attitude, and they celebrate many holidays and events, such as the New Year, the Birthday of the Sultan, the Festival of the Eternal Truth, and the Day of the Djinn.

The Magical and Mystical Aspects of the Emirates
The Emirates of Ylaruam is a nation of devout and pious people, who have a deep and profound connection with the divine and the arcane. The emirates follow the Eternal Truth, a religion that worships the Immortal Al-Kalim, who revealed the true path to the emirates. The Eternal Truth is based on the Lawful principles of order, justice, and harmony, and it opposes the Chaotic forces of disorder, injustice, and discord. The Eternal Truth has five pillars: the Declaration of Faith, the Prayer, the Charity, the Pilgrimage, and the Jihad. The Eternal Truth also has four schools of thought: the Traditionalists, the Rationalists, the Mystics, and the Puritans. The Eternal Truth guides and shapes the lives and morals of the emirates.
The emirates have a unique and potent magic, derived from the Eternal Truth, the Immortals, and the ancient civilizations. The emirates have two types of magic: the divine magic and the arcane magic. The divine magic is the magic of the clergy, who invoke the power and blessings of Al-Kalim and the other Immortals. The divine magic is used for healing, protection, and enlightenment, and it follows the rules and rituals of the Eternal Truth. The arcane magic is the magic of the mages, who manipulate the energy and forces of nature. The arcane magic is used for creation, destruction, and exploration, and it follows the laws and secrets of the universe.
The emirates also have a mysterious and hidden magic, related to the ancient civilizations that once ruled the desert. The emirates have many ruins and relics of the Nithian Empire, the Taymoran Kingdom, the Blackmoorian Empire, and the Carnifex Empire. These ruins and relics contain powerful and dangerous magic, such as the pyramids, the sphinxes, the obelisks, and the artifacts. The emirates also have many secrets and mysteries related to the djinn, the elemental beings that dwell in the Plane of Fire. The djinn have a complex and ambivalent relationship with the emirates, as they can be allies or enemies, benefactors or tricksters, teachers or tempters.
The Military and Naval Forces of the Emirates of Ylaruam
The Emirates of Ylaruam is a nation of proud and devout people, who live in harmony with the harsh and beautiful desert that surrounds them. The emirates have a strong tradition of desert warfare, using light cavalry and mounted archers to harass and defeat their enemies. They also have a small but effective naval force, equipped with galleys and dhows. The emirates have fought against the Thyatian and Alphatian empires, as well as the Ethengar Khanates, and have established their independence and sovereignty. The military and naval forces of the Emirates of Ylaruam are led by the caliph, who is appointed by the sultan, the supreme ruler of the nation. The caliph commands the army and the navy, and is advised by the emirs, the provincial governors, and the maliks, the tribal chiefs. The military and naval forces of the Emirates of Ylaruam are loyal, pious, and courageous, and they follow the code of honor and conduct of the Eternal Truth, the religion of the nation.
The Army of the Emirates
The army of the Emirates of Ylaruam is composed of two main types of units: the regular army and the tribal army. The regular army is the professional and permanent force of the emirates, consisting of infantry, cavalry, artillery, and engineers. The regular army is organized into brigades, each with about 2,000 soldiers, and divided into four corps: the Northern Corps, the Southern Corps, the Eastern Corps, and the Western Corps. The regular army is trained, equipped, and paid by the central government, and is stationed in the cities and forts of the emirates. The regular army is responsible for defending the borders, maintaining the peace, and enforcing the law of the emirates.
The tribal army is the auxiliary and temporary force of the emirates, consisting of nomadic warriors, raiders, and scouts. The tribal army is organized into clans, each with about 200 fighters, and divided into ten tribes: the Makistani, the Alasiyan, the Abbashani, the Nithian, the Ylari, the Taymoran, the Alaysian, the Magian, the Kubittan, and the Zuyevan. The tribal army is trained, equipped, and paid by the tribal chiefs, and is stationed in the oases and the wilderness of the emirates. The tribal army is responsible for supporting the regular army, raiding the enemies, and exploring the desert of the emirates.
The army of the Emirates of Ylaruam is known for its mobility, agility, and endurance, as well as its skill in archery, swordsmanship, and horsemanship. The army of the Emirates of Ylaruam uses a variety of weapons and armor, such as scimitars, daggers, bows, spears, shields, chain mail, and leather. The army of the Emirates of Ylaruam also uses some exotic and magical items, such as flying carpets, sandships, fire lances, and sunrods. The army of the Emirates of Ylaruam is inspired by the example and teachings of Al-Kalim, the Immortal patron of the emirates, who was a great warrior and leader.
The Navy of the Emirates
The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam is a relatively new and small force, compared to the army of the emirates. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam consists of about 20 ships, divided into two fleets: the Sea of Dread Fleet and the Alphatian Sea Fleet. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam is composed of two main types of vessels: the galleys and the dhows. The galleys are the warships of the navy, powered by oars and sails, and armed with rams, catapults, and ballistae. The dhows are the merchant ships of the navy, powered by sails and sometimes oars, and used for trade, transport, and exploration. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam is responsible for protecting the coasts, islands, and trade routes of the emirates, as well as supporting the army and the allies of the emirates. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam also engages in naval warfare, piracy, and diplomacy with other nations and powers. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam is known for its speed, maneuverability, and versatility, as well as its skill in navigation, seamanship, and gunnery. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam uses a variety of weapons and equipment, such as swords, axes, crossbows, harpoons, hooks, nets, and grappling irons. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam also uses some exotic and magical items, such as water elementals, wind spirits, fire bombs, and sun mirrors. The navy of the Emirates of Ylaruam is inspired by the example and teachings of Al-Kalim, the Immortal patron of the emirates, who was a great sailor and explor
The Emirates of Ylaruam is a nation of destiny, a nation that faces the challenges and opportunities of the world of Mystara. The emirates have a proud and devout people, a rich and diverse culture, and a unique and powerful magic. The emirates have a complex and dynamic political system, a diverse and colorful social system, and a profound and mystical religious system. The emirates have allies and enemies, traditions and innovations, secrets and mysteries. The emirates have a destiny, a destiny that lies in the sands of the desert. The emirates have a destiny, a destiny that awaits them in the world of Mystara.