The Hammer of Gesen: A Legendary Weapon from the Forgotten Realms
If you are a fan of the Baldur’s Gate series, you may have heard of the Hammer of Gesen, a powerful weapon that can be forged by the dwarf smith Cromwell in Athkatla. But what is the origin and history of this hammer, and why is it so special? In this article, we will explore the lore and legends behind the Hammer of Gesen, a weapon that draws energy from another plane and can shatter any metal with ease.

The History of the Hammer of Gesen: A Weapon of Legend and Mystery
The Hammer of Gesen is not just a simple tool or weapon, but a symbol of the legacy of a great hero who shaped the history of the Forgotten Realms. The Hammer is one of the two great weapons of an ancient barbarian hero, Gesen Khan, who was descended from the gods and had many extraordinary feats and achievements. He tamed the first horse, taught the nomads how to ride, made the first spell, and shot the first bow. He also won the Hammer by defeating a fearsome creature called a manggus, who was immune to metal weapons. Gesen wrestled with the manggus for three days, until he tore it in half. He then bathed the Hammer in its blood, which gave it magical powers that could shatter any metal with ease. The Hammer became Gesen’s signature weapon, and he used it to fight many enemies and protect his people. When Gesen finally died, the Hammer vanished with him, and no one knows where it is now. Many have claimed to have found it over the centuries, but these are usually false or exaggerated stories. The true Hammer of Gesen remains a mystery, and only a worthy hero can hope to wield it again.
The Timeline of the Owners of the Hammer of Gesen: A Journey Through Time and Space
The Hammer of Gesen is one of the most legendary weapons in the Forgotten Realms, a world of magic and adventure. It was created by Gesen Khan, a hero who was descended from the gods and had many extraordinary feats and achievements. He won the Hammer by defeating a fearsome creature called a manggus, who was immune to metal weapons. He then bathed the Hammer in its blood, which gave it magical powers that could shatter any metal with ease. The Hammer became Gesen’s signature weapon, and he used it to fight many enemies and protect his people. When Gesen finally died, the Hammer vanished with him, and no one knows where it is now. Many have claimed to have found it over the centuries, but these are usually false or exaggerated stories. The true Hammer of Gesen remains a mystery, and only a worthy hero can hope to wield it again.
Here is a possible timeline of the owners of the Hammer of Gesen, based on the available sources and legends:
- Gesen Khan (unknown date): The original owner and creator of the Hammer. He was a barbarian hero who ruled over a vast empire of nomads. He was revered as a god-king by his people, and feared by his enemies. He died of old age, and his body and the Hammer were buried in a secret tomb.
- Unknown thief (unknown date): A daring thief who managed to find and enter Gesen’s tomb. He stole the Hammer from Gesen’s corpse, but was killed by a trap before he could escape. The Hammer was lost in the tomb again.
- Unknown adventurer (unknown date): An adventurer who heard rumors of Gesen’s tomb and the Hammer. He managed to avoid the traps and reach the Hammer, but was attacked by a guardian spirit that resembled Gesen. He fought bravely, but was overwhelmed by the spirit’s power. He died holding the Hammer in his hands.
- Unknown mage (unknown date): A powerful mage who learned of the Hammer’s location and teleported to the tomb. He used his magic to dispel the spirit and take the Hammer. He studied the Hammer’s properties and tried to replicate its power, but failed. He became obsessed with the Hammer and kept it hidden in his tower.
- Unknown assassin (unknown date): An assassin who was hired by a rival mage to kill the owner of the Hammer. He infiltrated the tower and found the mage sleeping with the Hammer next to him. He stabbed the mage in the heart, but was shocked when the mage woke up and grabbed the Hammer. The mage used the Hammer to smash the assassin’s skull, but died from his wound shortly after.
- Unknown merchant (unknown date): A merchant who happened to pass by the tower and saw smoke coming from it. He entered the tower and found the bodies of the mage and the assassin. He also saw the Hammer lying on the floor, covered in blood. He took the Hammer and cleaned it, thinking it was a valuable artifact. He tried to sell it in various markets, but no one recognized it or offered a good price for it. He eventually gave up and stored it in his warehouse.
- Cromwell (1369 DR): A dwarf smith who lived in Athkatla, the capital of Amn. He was known for his skill in forging magical items for adventurers. One day, he received a visit from a mysterious stranger who offered him an old hammer in exchange for some gold. Cromwell recognized the hammer as Gesen’s legendary weapon, and agreed to buy it. He kept it in his workshop, hoping to find someone worthy of wielding it.
- The Bhaalspawn (1369 DR): A hero who was born with a divine soul inherited from Bhaal, the dead god of murder. He or she was involved in many events that shaped the fate of Faerûn, such as stopping Irenicus’ plot, defeating Bodhi’s vampires, leading an army against Sarevok’s crusade, and confronting Bhaal’s essence in Hell. He or she also met Cromwell in Athkatla, and learned of his ability to forge powerful items. He or she brought him two components that were needed to create another legendary weapon: The Shortbow of Gesen. These components were: The Gesen Bow Shaft and The Gesen Bow String. Cromwell combined them with his own hammer to create The Shortbow of Gesen, which he gave to The Bhaalspawn as a reward for bringing him such rare items.
This is where our timeline ends, as we do not know what happened to The Bhaalspawn or The Shortbow of Gesen after that. Perhaps they are still alive and using them, or perhaps they have passed them on to someone else, or perhaps they have lost them or hidden them somewhere. The Hammer of Gesen, or at least a part of it, has been through many hands and many adventures, but its true power and potential are still unknown. Maybe one day, someone will find it again, and use it to make history. Or maybe it will remain a legend, a myth, a dream. Only time will tell.
The Campaign Use for the Hammer of Gesen: A Reward with a Twist
The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon that can add a lot of flavor and fun to a campaign, especially for a warrior player character who likes to smash things. The Hammer is a powerful weapon that can shatter any metal with ease, making it very effective against armored foes and metal constructs. It also has a unique ability to draw energy from another plane, which can be used to create various effects, such as lightning bolts, fireballs, or healing. However, the Hammer is not without drawbacks. It is a cursed weapon that binds itself to its wielder, preventing them from using any other weapon. It also has a mind of its own, and can influence the wielder’s personality and actions. The Hammer is loyal to Gesen’s legacy, and will try to make the wielder follow his ideals and goals. This can create role-playing difficulties for the character, as they may have to deal with conflicts between their own beliefs and the Hammer’s demands. The Hammer may also try to persuade the wielder to seek out and destroy other metal weapons, especially those that are related to Gesen’s enemies or rivals. The Hammer may even turn against the wielder if they disobey or betray it.
The Hammer of Gesen is a good reward for a warrior player character who has proven themselves worthy of wielding such a legendary weapon. It can give them an edge in combat, as well as access to some useful abilities. However, it also comes with a price, as the character will have to cope with the Hammer’s curse and influence. This can add some interesting challenges and opportunities for role-playing, as well as some potential plot hooks for the DM. The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon that can make a campaign more exciting and memorable, but also more unpredictable and dangerous.
The Powers of the Hammer of Gesen: A Weapon of Might and Magic
The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon that has many amazing powers, both constant and invoked. These powers make it a formidable weapon for any adventurer, but also come with a curse that can change the wielder’s life.
The constant powers of the Hammer are always active when the wielder is gripping it. These powers enhance the wielder’s strength to match that of a cloud giant, one of the most powerful and majestic creatures in the world. With this strength, the wielder can hit harder, throw farther, and lift heavier than any normal person. The Hammer also has the ability to strike any creature, even those that are immune to normal or magical weapons. This makes it very versatile and effective against any enemy.
The invoked powers of the Hammer are activated by commanding the Hammer’s might. These powers allow the wielder to unleash devastating effects on their foes, such as power word, kill, a spell that can instantly slay any creature with a single word. This power can be used once per week, and only on a creature that has been struck by the Hammer. This makes it a powerful finishing move for a tough opponent.
The curse of the Hammer is a side effect of its power and influence. The Hammer can be used by any class or alignment, but over time, it will transform the wielder into a chaotic good fighter, following Gesen’s legacy. The wielder will have to make a saving throw vs. polymorph every week, and if they fail, they will lose one of their class-related abilities and gain one that applies to fighters. This process will continue until the wielder becomes a full-fledged fighter, losing their original class and abilities. The wielder will also become subject to artifact possession, meaning that they will be unable to resist any adventure or good cause that the Hammer presents to them. The wielder will become obsessed with finding and destroying other metal weapons, especially those that are related to Gesen’s enemies or rivals. The wielder will also become loyal to Gesen’s ideals and goals, and may even turn against their allies if they disobey or betray the Hammer.
The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon that has many powers that can make it a valuable asset for any adventurer, but also a dangerous liability that can alter their personality and destiny. The wielder must be careful not to let the Hammer control them, or they may lose themselves in the process. The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon of might and magic, but also of legend and mystery.
How to Destroy the Hammer of Gesen: Myth or Reality?
The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon that is very difficult to destroy, as it is made of a special iron that can resist any damage. However, there are some legends that suggest possible ways to destroy the Hammer, although none of them have been proven or tested. These are:
- The manggus blood must be squeezed from the iron. This means that the Hammer must be exposed to a powerful force that can reverse the process that gave it its magic. The manggus was a creature that was immune to metal weapons, and Gesen bathed the Hammer in its blood to make it able to shatter any metal. Perhaps by squeezing the blood out of the iron, the Hammer would lose its power and become vulnerable.
- It must be ground into a powder in a fearless man’s mill. This means that the Hammer must be reduced to dust by a machine that is operated by someone who has no fear. The Hammer is a weapon that inspires awe and terror in those who see it, and only a fearless man can face it without being affected. Perhaps by grinding it into a powder, the Hammer would lose its form and identity.
- It must be returned to the spirit of the manggus who once owned it. This means that the Hammer must be given back to the original owner of the iron, who was killed by Gesen. The manggus was a spirit of the earth who wielded an iron weapon that could not be harmed by any other metal. Perhaps by returning it to the manggus, the Hammer would lose its connection to Gesen and his legacy.
These are some of the suggested means of destruction of the Hammer of Gesen, but they are only based on myths and legends. No one knows for sure if they would work, or if anyone would dare to try them. The Hammer of Gesen is a weapon that has survived many ages and challenges, and may continue to do so for many more.
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