The magical coin of Zakhara: the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful
If you like fantasy and role-playing games, you probably know Zakhara, the Land of Fate, a world inspired by the culture and history of the Middle East. In this world, there are many magical artifacts that can change the destiny of those who own them. One of these is the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, a simple gold coin that brings wealth and wisdom, but also curse and danger. In this article, I will tell you the legend of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, its power, its curse and the possible uses that you can make of it in your campaign. I will also reveal some ways to destroy the coin, if you ever find yourself in possession of this ambiguous gift from the goddess Jisan or Fate itself. If you are curious to learn more about this artifact, keep reading.
The legend of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful: how the artifact of Jisan was born and spread
The story of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful is as old as the goddess herself. It is said that Jisan was one of the first gods to be born from Chaos, and that she was the lady of storms and rain. With her power, she brought life and fertility to the land, but also destruction and terror. One day, Jisan fell in love with a mortal, a young shepherd named Zayd. To show him her love, she gave him a gold coin with her symbol, a rain cloud, on both sides. She told him that that coin would bring him and his descendants wealth and wisdom, fertility and longevity. Zayd accepted the gift and thanked the goddess, but he also asked her to be more kind to men and beasts, and to moderate her wrath. Jisan was moved by Zayd’s words, and promised to listen to him. From then on, her storms were less violent and more beneficial.
Zayd lived a happy and prosperous life with the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful. He had many children and grandchildren, who inherited the coin and passed it on from generation to generation. The coin made them rich and wise, fertile and long-lived. But they were never greedy or selfish. They shared their fortune with others, helped the poor and needy, respected the land and its creatures. In doing so, they honored the goddess Jisan and her love for Zayd.
But not everyone was so noble and generous. Some owners of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful were corrupted by wealth and power. They surrounded themselves with palaces, treasures and slaves. They oppressed the people with unfair taxes and cruel laws. They forgot the goddess Jisan and her gift. But the coin did not tolerate greed and ingratitude. It struck them with a terrible curse: an unquenchable hunger that grew in proportion to their greed. They had to eat more and more, until they died of starvation or indigestion. The coin then disappeared from their hands, to reappear elsewhere.
The Coin of Jisan the Bountiful continued to travel through Zakhara, the Land of Fate, changing owner often. Sometimes it was a reward for those who acted for noble purposes, sometimes a temptation for those who succumbed to lust. Sometimes it was a blessing for those who used it to help others, sometimes a trap for those who used it to exploit others. Sometimes it was a symbol of peace and prosperity, sometimes a cause of war and revolt.
The legend of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful spread throughout Zakhara, attracting interest and curiosity from many. Some sought it for its benefits, others to destroy it or steal it. Some worshiped it as a sacred gift from the goddess or Fate, others feared it as a cursed or dangerous object.
But no one ever managed to keep the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful for more than seven years. After that time, the coin mysteriously disappeared, to start its endless journey again.
This is the legend of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, the most coveted and feared artifact of Zakhara. If you want to know what its powers are, how to use them without falling into its curse, or how to destroy it if you ever get hold of it, keep reading this article. You will be amazed at what a simple gold coin can do.
Ok, here is the translation of the analysis of the powers of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful and the header that I have chosen:
The power of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful: how to use the artifact’s abilities in creative and smart ways
As we have seen in the fourth paragraph, the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful has a constant and an invoked power. The constant power gives the owner skills and luck in trade, agriculture and livestock. The invoked power allows the owner to use three spells related to nature and persuasion: plant growth, suggestion and weather control.
These powers can be very useful for those who live in Zakhara, the Land of Fate, a world where nature is often hostile and fate is unpredictable. Let’s see some examples of how you could use these powers in creative and smart ways:
- The Coin of Jisan the Bountiful can be used to improve the living conditions of people who live in arid or desert areas. With the power of plant growth, you can make the soil more fertile and productive, creating oases of vegetation and food. With the power of weather control, you can change the climate to make the temperatures milder and bring the rain needed for irrigation. In this way, you can fight hunger and thirst, and create a more hospitable and welcoming environment.
- The Coin of Jisan the Bountiful can be used to promote trade and relations between the different cultures of Zakhara. With the power of haggling, you can negotiate with skill and get the best prices and conditions for your goods or services. With the power of suggestion, you can influence the mind of your interlocutors, convincing them to make advantageous deals or to cooperate for a common cause. In this way, you can increase your wealth and influence, and create bonds of trust and friendship.
- The Coin of Jisan the Bountiful can be used to defend yourself from enemies or threats that infest Zakhara. With the power of debate, you can argue with logic and persuasion, refuting the lies or accusations of your opponents. With the power of weather control, you can create spectacular or catastrophic weather effects, such as tornadoes, sandstorms or hail, to intimidate or damage your enemies. In this way, you can protect your reputation and security, and demonstrate your courage and power.
These are just some examples of how you could use the powers of the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful in creative and smart ways. Of course, there are many other possible ways, depending on the situation and personality of the owner. The important thing is to remember that the coin is a gift that must be used with wisdom and generosity, otherwise you risk falling into its curse.
Adventure ideas for the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful: how to create exciting and challenging scenarios with the artifact
The Coin of Jisan the Bountiful is a very versatile and intriguing artifact that can be used for a campaign set in Zakhara, the Land of Fate. There are many possible adventure ideas that you could use with the coin. Here are some that I have thought of:
- The player characters (PCs) are hired by a wealthy merchant to recover the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, which has been stolen by a group of bandits in the desert. The merchant offers a generous reward, but hides the fact that he was the one who stole the coin from another owner, and that he is now afflicted by the curse of hunger. The PCs will have to face the dangers of the desert, the bandits and the deceitful merchant, and decide what to do with the coin once recovered.
- The PCs are involved in a civil war between two factions that vie for the throne of a caliphate. One of the factions is led by a prince blessed by the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, who uses his power to help the people and challenge the tyrannical caliph. The other faction is supported by the caliph and his allies, including the holy slayers of the Gilded Palm, who want to eliminate the prince and take possession of the coin. The PCs will have to choose which side to stand on, and influence the outcome of the war with their actions.
- The PCs are contacted by a mysterious character who claims to be an emissary of Fate. The emissary offers them the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, saying that it has been chosen for them by Fate itself. The emissary asks nothing in return, but warns them that the coin will bring them great benefits but also great dangers. The PCs will have to accept or refuse the gift, and find out what are Fate’s intentions and emissary’s identity.
Ok, here is the translation into English and the header that I have chosen:
Official adventures that contain or include the artifact: where to find more information about the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful
I am not aware of any official adventures that contain or include the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, an artifact created for the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. However, I have found some references to the coin in other sources, such as:
- The Book of Artifacts, published by TSR in 1993, which describes the coin and its powers, its history and reputation, and suggests some ways to destroy it.
- The collectible card game Spellfire: Artifacts, published by TSR in 1994, which includes a card dedicated to the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful.
- The supplement Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Artifacts & Legends, published by Paizo in 2012, which reports the coin among the artifacts of the world of Pathfinder, a setting derived from Dungeons & Dragons.
These sources could be useful for creating or adapting adventures that involve the Coin of Jisan the Bountiful, or for deepening its origin and meaning.
Book of Artifacts on DrivethruRpg