Stars Without Number – Faction Record Sheet

Publisher: Angry Golem Games

Basic Information

  • Faction name. This is the common or popular name of the faction, or how it is known in your campaign setting.
  • Denomination. This is the official or formal name of the faction, or how it identifies itself. For example, holding, consortium, society, association, industry, enclave or whatever you find appropriate.
  • Structure. This is a word that describes how the faction organizes itself internally. For example, network, monarchy, oligarchy, republic or whatever you find appropriate.
  • Homeworld. This is the name of the main headquarter or base of operations of the faction.
  • Founders & Person of Interest. These are the names and roles of the individuals that are relevant to the existence or history of the faction.
  • Brief History & Description. This is a short summary of the faction’s origin, mission, goals and activities.

Turn Management

This section of the record sheet shows a summary of all the actions that a faction can take in a turn. In addition, you have space to write what happened in the previous turns. There are five spaces to record the events of up to five turns.


Here you can note the faction’s tags. The standard is two tags, but there is room for a third tag just in case. For each tag you can write both the description (as presented in the SWN – Core Rulebook) and the effects the tag produces.


In this section you can note the current goal (or goals) of the faction.

Primary Stats

Primary stats are force, cunning, wealth and hit points. The section includes the level of each stat, the current xp accumulated and the xp required to advance to the next level.

Financial Assets

Here you can note every detail about the FacCreds income of the faction. Of course you can control the income produced by each of the primary stat.

Material Assets

In this section you can note over a dozen material assets, and for each material asset you will be able to control the following parameters:

  • hit points
  • cost
  • type
  • atk
  • counter atk
  • a/s/p
  • location
  • maintenance
  • primary stat

Projects (optional rule)

When you are building new assets you may want to track their progress if the project takes more than one turn (at Game Master discretion). If in your homebrew setting you plan to build megastructures, this section may be of some help.

Planning & Schedule

You may want to plan ahead your actions in order to achieve the faction’s agenda in the short and long term. In this section you can have an idea of how much budget may be required in the future turns and act accordingly.

Rumors & News

This is a sort of journal where you can note important facts that are relevant to your campaign. Information may come from news networks, spies, traders or whatever source the Game Master finds appropriate.

Stars Without Number Compatible – Faction Datasheet on DrivethruRpg

Stars Without Number Compatible – Faction Datasheet on Ko-Fi.