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Stars Without Number: Revised Edition
The year is 3200 and mankind’s empire lies in ashes.
The Jump Gates fell six hundred years ago, severing the links between the myriad worlds of the human diaspora. Now, the long isolation of the Silence falls away as men and women return to the skies above their scattered worlds. Will you be among them once more?

stars without number cover


Starvation Cheap: Military Campaigns for Stars Without Number
The reek of blood and scorched steel fills the air. The city is burning under the remorseless fire of far guns, survivors cowering beneath the roots of their glassy towers. The streets are filled with the dead, their bodies made one with the broken road by the tread of the tanks and their scuttling infantry support. Soon the city will fall. It has already become a tomb.

Skyward Steel: Naval Campaigns for Stars Without Number
The captain standing on the bridge, wreathed in smoke and the cries of the dying. The chief engineer, struggling to force that last precious burst of power from the fusion plant. The Marine sergeant holding fast in the hatchway, death to the alien boarders. The cold-eyed admiral, choosing the slain by the turn of a word and her orders to her bait.

Darkness Visible: Espionage Campaigns for Stars Without Number
Rain-slick streets beneath an alien sky. Untraceable mail on a private terminal. A man in a shabby coat who is always watching. Poison in a glistening needle. From the distant ages of humanity’s dawn to the far end of the Silence, espionage changes only its tools. A useful lie is eternal.

Suns of Gold: Merchant Campaigns for Stars Without Number
They are merchants, thieves, grifters, saviors and worse. They roam the untamed void to bring the wealth of foreign worlds to their customers, trading in the treasures of half a hundred worlds for the sake of riches beyond human imagination. You will find them in dirty starport dives, in the palaces of lostworlder kings, and in the gleaming towers of their corporate palaces. They are the far traders, and the treasures of the sky are theirs for the taking.

The Codex of the Black Sun: Sorcery for Stars Without Number
In this supplement for the award-winning Stars Without Number sci-fi RPG, you’ll get all the tools you need to add space magic and interstellar sorcery into your campaign. Advice on how to integrate things smoothly, tables for conjuring up social attitudes toward magic, and help with the practical concerns of adding magic to your gaming table are all provided within. Everything is presented in optional and modular fashion, allowing you to add as little or as much of it as you wish into your own personal cosmos.

Distress Call – Stars Without Number Compatible Adventure
“Everything was going as planned, the deuterium arrived on time and was shipped as expected. It was mostly a game of filling the time until the automatic distress call from the Sawshark that is! The players are sent to investigate a mystery aboard the hi-tech mining vessel. All attempts to contact the Sawshark have gone unanswered. A rescue shuttle is arranged for you to take to investigate the state of the ship and its crew.”

Descent – Stars Without Number Compatible Adventure
The subroutine has made its second move. The second episode of this adventure path will see the PCs fighting to save the station from destruction, taking them to the surface of one of the planet that form the star system. They have to travel unnoticed and manually land. Will their ship, the Sawshark, endure the harsh planet atmosphere ? Will the PCs survive to what they’ll find out there ? They won’t be alone in this mission. If successful or not, will be up to you.


Stars Without Number Alien Database
Twenty aliens for your game sessions. Each alien entry includes further information like combat & tactics, habitat and biology. The database will be expanded and new aliens added with future update. Downloading the updates is free.

Stars Without number alien database

Stars Without Number Alien Generator
A simple set of steps to generate thousands of alien creature. Determine physiology, offense, defense, metabolism, and other traits.

Character Options for Stars Without Number
Stars Without Number comes with a good number of Background and Training Packages, allowing for a wide range of characters. However, the potential number of professions and backgrounds in the universe is enormous; many more packages are possible. In this publication, we humbly present a plethora of additional Background and Training Packages for Stars Without Number.

Stars Without Number – Equipment Database
200 new equipment for your Stars Without Number sessions, divided among the following categories: Armors, Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Ammuntion, Communications, Computing & Accessories, Field Equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Tools and Medical, Batteries and Generators, Vehicles, Drones, Droids, Cyberware and Misc. Equipment.

Stars Without Number – TRADE GOODS GENERATOR
More than 300 hundreds trade goods organized in 4 tables:
– Materials & Technological stuff
– Warfare
– Organic, Chemicals & Stuff
– Minerals & Elements

SWN Trade Goods Generator

Aephestus Shipyard
Space shipyard with simple rules to run ship maintenance and ship construction.

Dresdner Multipurpose Corvette
The pdf includes simple rules to salvage materials and some unique maneuvers.

Stars Without Number – The Starship Database

This pdf contains 10 models of starship compatibles with Stars Without Number. It includes some custom fitting mounted on a specific model, plus custom crew actions. Each starship includes a panel containing stats, fitting and crew actions

(free download)