Publisher: Ennead Games
Rumours are the source of many adventures – They can tell you about possible intrigue, fabulous riches, or tall-tales. In worlds of a fantastical-nature, they can be heard in taverns, from passing bards and so-on.
A science-fiction based setting has its version of this, from spaceport with travellers from across the galaxy to scoundrels looking to con a gullible rube out of their credits.
The Rumour Generator – Sci-Fi Edition is designed yo help you come up with some rumours, who they were heard from, what juicy gossip they cover and how true, or not, they are.
- A table to tell you how true or false the rumour is
- Rumour opener
- A quick table for the species type
- Various prefixes for the subject of the rumour (famous, etc)
- A table for the subject of the rumour
- A table for related groups
- Topic Prefix
- The topic of the rumour itself
- Who it might have been heard from
Rumour Maker – Sci-Fi Edition on DrivethruRpg