I have compiled a list of equipment and divided them into categories: Armors, Weapons, General Equipment, Vehicles, Drones, Droids, Cyberware and Miscellaneous Equipment.
My main sources of inspiration have been sci-fi movies, tv-series, literature, videogames, and everything that could grab my attention.
Stars Without Number splits the armors in two main sub-categories. Combat Armors and Powered Armors.
Combat Armors. the list have been extended to include Iridium Plate Armor, Graphene Layered Armor, Polymer Field Armor and Titanium Plate Armor.
Armor Class in Stars Without Number works as the standard d20 system, but I decided to include the stats called Armor, which imitates the concept of damage reduction.
In addition, some armors see their encumbrance reduced to zero when worn.
For example, the graphene layered armor has a standard encumbrance of 1, but it drops to zero when worn.
This category splits in three sub-categories: Ranged Weapon, Melee Weapons and Heavy Weapons.
I will spend some word about Ranged Weapons and Heavy Weapons.
The Items described in both sub-categories are indeed ranged weapons, with the only difference that heavy weapons have high firepower and includes stuff like missile-launchers, heavy machine-guns and grenade launchers.
The main “innovation” I introduced is the type of ammunition employed by weapons.
I thought it would be cool to have sci-fi weapons that shoot different type of ammunition, to be more specific I split the ammunition into
Ammo Weapons. which fire ordinary bullets made of metallic alloys.
Laser Weapons. which fire a laser and employ different type of crystals to produce different type of damage and secondary effects.
Charge Weapons. which fire charged particles or exotic energy and, like lasers, produce specific secondary effects.
This category includes the following sub-categories: Ammunition, Communication, Computing & Accessories, Field Equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Tools & Medicals, Batteries & Generators.
Ammunition. As described in the paragraph above, here I list a wide range of ammunition type, from laser crystals (5 type of laser crystals), ammo (5 types of ammo made of different metals), charges (4 types of charges).
Communication. In this section you will find the basic tools to make communication happen. I included the microsats (not very sci-fi considering that they already exist), but you will find the warp microsats, to send messages in the warp, thus at faster than light speed.
Computing & Accessories. Various stuff, including some details about binary, quantum and neural computers.
Field Equipment. From Force Field Generators, to backpacks, air-converter and anti-gravity devices. Everything you need to make your camp on hostile exoplanet the less dangerous possible.
Pharmaceuticals. Some additional stuff like xeno-antibiotics, anti-virals.
Tools & Medicals. Useful stuff like the DNA Replicator, Bioscanner, Sprayflesh and medical Nanobots.
Batteries & Generators. A sort of optional category. A total of 15 new items divided into batteries and generators. Each item comes with its description of course, together with the values representing power output (for generators) and power capacity (for batteries).
In this category I included vehicles suited for battle. In particular, the sci-fi tank I called Behemoth, inspired on the german tank Landkreuzer P-1000 Ratte (if you like history of WWII), or the Harkonnen’s Devastator (if you enjoyed the Dune strategy game).

A useful list of drones to extend yours already existing one. Things like the medical drone, the mining drone and the reconnaissance drone.
In this category I have added three new droids: the combat droid, the cook droid and the heavy duty droid. Needless to say that I will be extending the list.
Or cybernetic implants if you prefer. Memory enhancer and prosthetics arm, eye, leg, heart, lung, liver and skeleton.
A sort of default category with stuff of different nature for different uses. Just to give you an example, inside this category you will find things like Escape Capsules (biostasis, cryogenic and wuantum stasis). Magnetic Boots, ultradense deuterium, jetpacks and much more, for a total of 19 items.
Now you have an idea of the sci-fi equipment database contains.
My plan is to expand the book by adding from time to time new equipment, both of my inspiration as well as yours.
You can find the Sci-Fi Equipment Database on DrivethruRpg.
Thanks for reading!