Telepathic Devotion

Power Check DC 12 Intelligence check
Initial Cost Contact(see description)
Maintenance Cost n/a (see description)
Range Self
Preparation Time 1 round
Area of Effect 1 creature
Prerequisites Ejection, Mindlink

The psionicist insert his mind into a target’s brain, and at the same time the target enters the psionicist’s brain, thus making a substancial exchange of bodies.

An unwilling target can make an Intelligence saving throw to prevent the exchange from occurring.

The first time this psionic power is used on a specific target, willing or unwilling, there is chance that the target’s brain and the psionicist’s brain naturally reject the exchange.

Both the psionicist and the target must make a Constitution saving throw, and if one of the two fails than the first attempt to use this psionic power against that specific target fails.

Every subsequent attempt will not require to make this saving throw.

Once the exchange occurs, both mind preserves their Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma and every traits related to these three ability scores, together with the levels in any class they have.

The exchanged minds acquire Strength, Dexterity and Constitution of the body hosting them respectively. Each mind reroll the hit points according to their class, but can apply the new Constitution modifier, if different.

The two minds cannot take control of the body immediatelt however, they indeed need some time to adapt and attune with the brain and the motory system.

The standard time required to attune with the new body is 1d4 hours, unless the Game Master states otherwise, especially for bodies with a different physiologies.

The effect of this psionic power is permanent, until the psionicist initiate this psionic power to end the effect, and very demanding for both the mind and the body.

After a long rest, each mind must make an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma saving throw at player’s discretion.

The DC of the saving throw is 8 + other mind proficiency bonus + other mind Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier respectively.

If the saving throw fails, then the target loses 1 point in that ability score. The ability score is permanent, and become temporary only when this psionic power ends.

The only known way to restore an ability score loss is by means of Psychic Surgery.

In addition anytime one of the two bodies suffer physical damage, the psionicist loses the same amount of PSPs, and if the damage is psychic damage, then the loss of PSPs is doubled.

If at any moment, while this psionic power is active, the psionicist drops to zero PSPs, then both the psionicist and the target collapse in a comatose state until the psionicist recovers at least 1 PSPs.

Once the psionicist recovers at least 1 PSPS, he will wake up, but the target’s body will remain in comatose state. This occurrence will not break contact or ends this psionic power, but the target will not wake up until the psionicist roll another successful Power Check and pays again the Initial Cost plus the target’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma score.

Natural 1.

Natural 20.