Telepathic Science

Power Check DC 13 Wisdom check
Initial Cost Contact
Maintenance Cost 4 PSPs / round or more (see description)
Range 10 feet
Preparation Time 1 action
Area of Effect 1 creature
Prerequisites none

The psionicist accesses the target’s mind in search of deep thoughts that can reveal intentions, plans or other hidden information.

The target is entitled a Charisma saving throw to resist the probing for that round.

Failing a saving throw means the psionicist gains access to the target’s mind, thus granting the psionicist tactical advantage or access to precious information.

Once per round, the psionicist can ask one question, and the target will have to provide the answer, however, at Game Master’s discretion the answer may take more than one round to answer.

The target, willing or unwilling, must be conscious in order to provide useful information.

A probe can be used in a combat situation too, and if successful the psionicist gains tactical advantage over the target, as described below:

  • The psionicist gains advantage on one roll against the target for the combat round.
  • The psionicist imposes disadvantage on one of the target’s roll for the combat round.

The tactical advantages described above can be transferred to one of the psionicist’s ally, but only if the psionicist has established a contact with that ally.

The transfer of information counts as a swift action and can only be accomplished by telepathic means.

The Maintenance Cost is 4 PSPs / round plus the target’s Charisma modifier.

Natural 1.

Natural 20.