Psychoportive Devotion

Power Check DC 12 Intelligence check or more (see description)
Initial Cost 10 PSPs or more (see description)
Maintenance Cost 5 PSPs / hour or more (see description)
Range Unlimited
Preparation Time 1 minute
Area of Effect Self or 1 or more creatures
Prerequisites Probability Travel

The psionicist travels from a starting location to a specific destination by means of his dreams, but always on the same plane of existence. The travel begins when the psionicist falls asleep, and he can carry other travelers with him. Dream Travel usually lasts eight hours, but its duration can be longer if the psionicist desires so.

When the psionicist wakes up, him and the passengers will materialize at the destination, together with their equipment. The psionicist does not need to know the destination or be familiar with it.

If the psionicist is forced to wake up before the end of the dream, him and all the passengers wake up at the starting point.

At Game Master’s discretion the dream travel can be roleplayed, but it does not produce harmful effects on its own unless the psionicist is object of a mental attack.

In such case, the dream travel can lead to harmful consequences, potentially deadly, because the psionic attacker can introduce dangerous elements in the dream and turns it into a deadly nightmare.

This psionic power allows the psionicist and his passengers to travel 32 miles for every hour of dream.

The DC of the Power Check depends on the number of passengers the psionicist desires to carry with him. The DC increases by 1 point for every passenger, and by 2 points for every creature with an Intelligence of 2 or lower.

The Initial Cost also depends on the number of creature entering the dream. The base Initial Cost is 10 PSPs plus 10 PSPs for every passenger.

The Maintenance Cost also depends on the number of travellers. The base Maintenance Cost is 5 PSPs per hour plus 1 PSPs per hour for every passenger.

Natural 1.

Natural 20.