Search Results for: lion

Old School Renaissance – Adventurer Conqueror King System – Capital of the Borderlands (revised edition)

Publisher: Autarch The Borderlands has been contested throughout recorded history and its landscape is littered with ancient fortresses, blood-soaked battlefields, and dread ruins, all crumbling relics of the empires that once ruled there. Now the dangers facing the Borderlands are greater than ever. Monsters are slipping across the porous border to terrorize and plunder. Travel […]

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Psychometabolism Science Power Check DC 14 Constitution checkInitial Cost 8 PSPsMaintenance Cost 1 PSPs / roundRange PersonalPreparation Time 1 actionArea of Effect SelfPrerequisites none “There is an animal inside all of us, but which one?” The psionicist manifests an animal affinity toward a specific type of beast. The psionicist cannot choose what affinity he possesses,


OX – 5e stats

Large beast (animal), unaligned Armor Class 12Hit Points 34 (4d10+12)Speed 25 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 19 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 9 (-1) 5 (-3) Skills Perception +1Senses passive Perception 9Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Beast of Burden. The ox is considered to be a Huge animal for

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ERDLAND – 5e stats

Large beast (animal), unaligned Armor Class 14 (natural armor), 12 (underbelly)Hit Points 25 (3d10+9)Speed 40 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Skills Perception +3Senses passive Perception 11Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Psionic Powers (suggested). The Erdland has 19 (3d12) PSPs

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DIPLODOCUS – 5e stats

Gargantuan beast (dinosaur), unaligned Armor Class 14 (natural armor)Hit Points 444 (24d20 + 192)Speed 30 ft. Proficiency Bonus +3Proficiency Bonus +10 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 28 (+9) 5 (-2) 26 (+8) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) Skills (suggested) Perception +3Immunities frigthenedSenses passive Perception 10Languages –Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) ACTIONS Diplodocus: The Gentle Giant of

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RACING CAMEL – 5e stats

Large beast (animal), unaligned Armor Class 12Hit Points 17 (2d10+6)Speed 60 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Skills (suggested) Perception +2Senses passive Perception 10Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) ACTIONS DESCRIPTION A racing camel is a specially bred and trained camel

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BUFFALO – 5e stats

Large beast (animal), unaligned Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)Hit Points 42 (5d10+15)Speed 50 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +3 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) Skills Perception +2Senses passive Perception 12Challenge 2 (200 XP) Beast of Burden. The buffalo is considered to be a Huge animal

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AUROCH – 5e stats

Large beast (animal), unaligned Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)Hit Points 59 (7d10+21)Speed 50 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +4 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) Skills Perception +2Senses passive Perception 12Challenge 2 (450 XP) Beast of Burden. The auroch is considered to be a Huge animal

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AMBER GOLEM – 5e stats

Large construct (golem), unaligned Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60)Speed  40 ft. Proficiency Bonus +4Proficiency Bonus +5 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 3 (-4) 8 (-1) 1 (-5) Skills perception +4Damage Immunities Acid, Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical attacks.Damage vulnerabilities

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AURUMVORAX – 5e stats

Small beast, unaligned Armor Class 20Hit Points 54 (12d6 + 12)Speed 40 ft., burrow 15 ft. Proficiency Bonus +3Proficiency Bonus +5 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 13 (+2) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8Senses passive Perception 13Damage Resistances bludgeoning, fire (magical)Damage Immunity fire (nonmagical), poisonDamage Immunities poison Challenge 6 (2,300

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