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Dnd 5e Intellect Devourer – build challenging encounters against an Intellect Devourer

by Angry Golem Games How to fight the Intellect Devourer: an aberrant monster of D&D fifth edition In this article, I want to tell you about one of the most insidious and scary monsters that you might encounter in your game: the Intellect Devourer. It is an aberrant creature, created to serve the interests of […]

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Dnd 5e Choker – build challenging encounters against a Choker

by Angry Golem Games The Choker: an aberrant monster of Dungeons & Dragons The Choker is a fantasy creature that is part of the world of the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Its name comes from its ability to strangle its victims with its long tentacle-like arms. The Choker was created in 1988 by Bruce

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Secrets of the Berbalang: How to Use This Ghoul-like Creature in Your Encounters

by Angry Golem Games A Brief History of the Berbalang The Berbalang is a creature of Philippine folklore, especially in the island of Mindanao, where it is feared and respected by the locals. It is a type of ghoul that feeds on human flesh, either by digging up graves or by hunting living victims with

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Dnd 5e Aboleth – build challenging encounters against an Aboleth

by Angry Golem Games Everything you need to know about Aboleths: the oldest and most evil creatures in the world If you are a fan of D&D, you probably have heard of Aboleths, the aberrant creatures that live underwater and use their telepathy and their ability to enslave minds to manipulate other beings. Aboleths are

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Dnd 5e Abbot Flumph Tactics – build challenging encounters against an Abbot Flumph

by Angry Golem Games How to Fight with an Abbot Flumph: The Kindest and Strangest Monster in D&D If you are passionate about D&D, you probably know the flumphs, the aberrant creatures that resemble flying jellyfish and that are among the few to be good and peaceful. But did you know that there are also

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From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database Bite. The bite of a Xeno Wyrm deals normal damage to TL3 vehicles and minimum damage to TL4 vehicles. Electrostatic Field. The area surrounding a xeno wyrm is charged with electrostatic energy to an average distance of 24 meters. Every living being suffers 1d6 electrical damage

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From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database Poison. The poison of a whipsting is a paralyzing toxin that blocks electric impulses coming from the motor cortex. The target must make a successful Physical/Constitution saving throw to resist the poison. If the saving throw fails, the target loses 1d6 points of dexterity per round.



From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database Fangs. The three pairs of fangs inflict 1d3 piercing damage, but they cannot pierce an armor that provided an armor class of 12 or more. If the webbing bird scores a hit roll of 3 or less, then its fangs break; ignore this effect if the



From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database Electro-Discharge. Electrostatic and electromagnetic discharge that inflicts 4d8 electric damage to all living creatures in a range of 1d10 kilometers. Silicon Based creatures takes full damage. A ship in the area when the electrodischarge activates immediately triggers a Ship Crisis. A ship larger than a fighter