Search Results for: bat

Idun – Norse Avatar for D&D 5e

Idun, Norse Avatar Medium Humanoid; Druid 14; Ranger 14 Proficiency bonus +10 Armor Class 15Hit Points 196Speed 90 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) SpellsShe can call upon the animal, charm, divination, elemental, healing, necromantic, plant and weather spheres for her spells. […]

Idun – Norse Avatar for D&D 5e Read More »

Artemis – Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt and the Chastity – D&D 5e

Artemis, Greek Avatar Medium Humanoid, neutral goodDruid 16, Ranger 16Proficiency bonus +10 Armor Class 20Hit Points 416 (16d8 + 64, 16d10 + 64)Speed 90 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) Saving Throws Str +13, Dex +14, Int +14, Wis +14Skills AnySenses passive Perception 24Languages AllChallenge 15 (13,000

Artemis – Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt and the Chastity – D&D 5e Read More »