Old School Renaissance – Reviewing the Stars Without Number: Revised GM Screen – A Handy Tool for Sci-Fi RPGs

Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing


If you are a fan of science fiction roleplaying games, you might have heard of Stars Without Number: Revised Edition, a game that allows you to create and explore a vast sector of space with your own characters and starships. The game is based on the classic Dungeons & Dragons rules, but with some modern twists and innovations. One of the most useful tools for running a Stars Without Number: Revised Edition game is the GM screen, a four-panel accessory that provides quick references and handy tables for the game master. In this review, I will examine the contents and features of the GM screen, and evaluate its usefulness and quality.


The GM screen consists of four full-color illustration sheets and eight interchangeable inserts. The illustration sheets depict various scenes of sci-fi adventure, such as a space battle, a cyberpunk city, a desert planet, and a starport. The inserts provide useful information and tables for the game master, such as:

  • System mechanics summary sheet, with skill checks, saving throws, environmental penalties, and hacking guide
  • Combat rules summary sheet with situational mods, shock damage rules, and morale
  • Combat actions overview page, with common actions undertaken in the heat of battle
  • Quick Enemies sheet, with combat stats for a wide range of common foes, along with reaction rolls, morale guidelines, and likely weapons they might be wielding
  • Starship combat actions sheet, for quick reference during the thunder of interstellar clashes
  • Starship crises sheet, for the quick generation of unpredictable catastrophes during combat
  • Weaponry reference, with a full list of ranged and melee weapons to spare checking the book when the PCs start firing
  • Armor and equipment reference, with handy lists of prices for common PC purchases

You can mix and match whichever inserts you need most for your campaign, and swap them as needed. The inserts are designed to fit any screen that takes US letter-sized sheets. If you need A4-sized sheets, you can safely trim them a bit, as there is enough margin on the rules inserts to allow narrowing them.


The GM screen is designed to make the game master’s job easier and more enjoyable. It provides quick access to the most frequently used rules and tables in the game, saving time and reducing book flipping. It also helps to set the mood and atmosphere of the game with its colorful and evocative illustrations.

The system mechanics summary sheet is a handy reference for the basic rules of the game, such as how to make skill checks, saving throws, environmental penalties, and hacking attempts. It also includes a table for determining the difficulty class of skill checks based on the situation. This sheet is useful for both new and experienced game masters who need a quick reminder of how things work in Stars Without Number: Revised Edition.

The combat rules summary sheet covers the essential aspects of combat in the game, such as initiative order, movement rates, cover bonuses, armor class modifiers, shock damage rules, and morale checks. It also includes a table for determining the effects of different types of damage on characters and vehicles. This sheet is helpful for resolving combat situations smoothly and efficiently.

The combat actions overview page lists the common actions that characters can take in combat, such as attacking, defending, reloading, using items, aiding allies, or fleeing. It also explains how to use foci (special abilities) in combat. This page is useful for giving players an overview of their options in combat and encouraging them to be creative and tactical.

The quick enemies sheet provides stats for a variety of enemies that characters might encounter in their adventures, such as bandits, pirates, soldiers, aliens, robots, mutants, zombies, cultists, etcetera…See the Stars Without Number Compatible Alien Database for more details.

Quick Enemies Sheet

The quick enemies sheet provides stats for a variety of enemies that characters might encounter in their adventures, such as bandits, pirates, soldiers, aliens, robots, mutants, zombies, cultists, and more. It also includes a table for generating random reactions and morale for the enemies, as well as a list of likely weapons they might be wielding. This sheet is useful for creating and running encounters on the fly, without having to consult the book or prepare in advance.

Starship Combat Actions Sheet

The starship combat actions sheet summarizes the rules and options for starship combat in the game, such as initiative order, movement rates, weapon ranges, damage types, and critical hits. It also lists the common actions that starship crew members can take in combat, such as piloting, gunnery, engineering, communication, or boarding. This sheet is helpful for managing starship combat scenarios effectively and realistically.

Starship Crises Sheet

The starship crises sheet provides a table for generating random and unpredictable events that can happen during starship combat, such as hull breaches, engine failures, power outages, fires, or mutinies. These events can add challenge and excitement to starship combat, as well as create opportunities for roleplaying and problem-solving. This sheet is useful for adding variety and spice to starship combat.

Weaponry Reference

The weaponry reference provides a full list of ranged and melee weapons available in the game, along with their stats and prices. It also includes a table for determining the availability and legality of weapons in different worlds. This sheet is useful for equipping characters with appropriate weapons for their missions and preferences.

Armor and Equipment Reference

The armor and equipment reference provides a full list of armor and equipment available in the game, along with their stats and prices. It also includes a table for determining the availability and legality of armor and equipment in different worlds. This sheet is useful for equipping characters with appropriate armor and equipment for their protection and utility.


The GM screen is a handy tool for any game master who runs Stars Without Number: Revised Edition games. It provides quick references and handy tables for the most frequently used rules and tables in the game, as well as colorful and evocative illustrations to set the mood and atmosphere of the game. The GM screen is well-designed and well-organized, and allows customization and flexibility. The GM screen is worth its price, whether you choose the PDF or the premium version. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys sci-fi RPGs.

Stars Without Number: Revised GM Screen on DrivethruRpg